Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Dom and i appreciate all of you. Strangers who are friends.
We had a very long night yesterday. I had my hand on his body almost the whole night. Just wanted to know that he's still with me. Silly me. I was afraid that he'll just drift off.
Both of us just tossed around a lot. A lot of tears. A lot to stomach in a day. The thought of losing a family fellow is just not acceptable at this moment. The crying's all done now. Its no point crying and puffy eyes are horrible in the morning. Even your face gets puffed up. We do not want bags under them eyes to be permanent residents.
We had some rain early in the morning.. some cooler air. Thank you again for all the rain that you guys sent to us. We do know some of you are doing some raindances for us :)
Dom is a fighter. He has always been a tough one. Under the curly shell, he is a tough fella. He doesn't make a fuss even when he's unwell. He'll just hide under the table and sleep it away. As long as he's eating something, i am fine. He's handfed most of the time. If he doesn't eat, his legs will go weak.
He is a bit wobbly today. We went for a carride as the vet has advised me not to stress him with walks. He needed help to get up to the car today. He looked at me with those tired eyes. I just lifted him up. I used to just say UP and he'll be up on the carseat in a jiffy. We sent dad to church and we went to see mom there. We asked mom to help him get better.
Overnight he has become a very tired old dog. He used to be so full of life. The life of the party.
I've got both my siblings very worried with my post yesterday. My apologies to both of them. My youngest sister was the one who rescued Dom from the boarders. We adopted Dom as she kept insisting that we should take him. Dom always have a soft spot for her as he knows that it was my sister that got him a forever home. He love her to bits.
Someone told me that an enlarged heart can be reduced or go back to normal with medications and the water out from the lungs. We are hopeful that Dom will be better soon.
I got all these cookie cutters from one our trips. Some are dog motifs. I got them especially for both Piper and Dom as i wanted to make them cookies. I never got around to making them cookies as i am just very lazy. We'll make some tomorrow.
Currently i am reading The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino. Yes.. the book which fell into the loo :) The book will help us find some balance.
"I had the blues... because i had no shoes... until upon the street,... I met a man who had no feet."
When you begin feeling sorry for yourself... remember that.
Posted by
7/31/2011 02:00:00 AM
My Mother's Garden,
Og Mandino

Sleep. Shush... He is sleeping.
Sometimes... we think that our best friend will be with us forever. But that's not how things work. Forever doesn't happen.
Ever since i came home to live and work, my life has pretty much revolved around the Curly being my sanity check. He taught me about patience and he showed me that unconditional love does exist. He is with me whole days. While i work, he sits beside me. While i watch tv, he watches with me. While i am in garden doing things, he is never too far. He waits for me. While i cook, he is just there.
On one my past jobs, the turnover in staff is so high that i got used to people coming and leaving. I made friends but i never got too attached to them being around long. After a while, it was just like.. bye.. see you around. Things get jaded after a while.
But my current staff Curly's been with me for four and a half years... right beside me.
We got back from the vet few hours ago. The diagnosis didn't seem too shocking at the clinic. But when i came home and did some research, it hit home.
The vet took him to the Central Equine Hospital in Perak Turf Club to have his chest x-rayed. They have the best imaging facilities there. The xray was very very clear.
His heart is enlarged as the vet feared. His lungs is with fluids.
He is given Fortekor® Flavour 5 (Benazepril) to ease the enlarged heart and a couple more medicines for runny nose and fever and another medicine to help clear the fluids in the lungs. He will be on meds for 2 weeks and probably be on Fortekor for the rest of his life. We will be going to the vet again in 2 weeks time.
The vet advised me not to stress him. Let him rest. No strenuous exercises. His breathing is suddenly very rapid overnight.
His breathing was too rapid after the meds just now.
There is not much we can do for the moment. We will see how he takes to the medicine and just let him be his happy self.
Can a canine enlarged heart return to normal?
I don't know how much longer he is going to be with me but each day will be our day of grace. We shall have some hope.
Dom and his tabby kitten watching the sunset at the porch last Wednesday.
There were a few articles which i read just now. Here are the links below. Hope someone will find it useful.
Posted by
7/30/2011 01:30:00 AM
Canine Heart Murmurs,
Central Equine Hospital in Perak Turf Club,
Fortekor Flavour 5,

We were back at the vet this morning. Dom seems to have a temperature again and not eating much. All his meds from the last visit to another vet was finished and he is still not well. Even steam chicken does not garner much interest anymore. He was just feeding on steam chicken and some soft rice for the whole week.
He's down to 8.8kgs. He was 9.3 just last week. It is sad to see him showing no interest in food when food is his best friend.
We went all the way to his usual vet. It takes about 30mins to get there in good traffic.
A good thing we went to this vet. He's held back at the clinic and scheduled for some xrays this afternoon. The vet will take him to another facility to get it done.
I am reminded by the vet that this dog is getting old. He'll have some issues. He heard murmurs when he was checking him out.
Let's just hope its nothing serious.
We had some rain early this morning. Its a nice change for a while. Thank you all for your raindances. All of you have been so kind.
We'll update on Dom as soon as i pick him up this evening.
Posted by
7/27/2011 03:51:00 PM
Blue Eyes,
Mackerel Tabbies,

Seriously.. i am beginning to think that time is on fast forward... it just went WHOoooooOOOOOshhhhHHHHHH today!
Or... we forgot we have a blog...
Or... maybe.. we got a wee bit lazy with blogging..
Or... we could have been choked by them smokey air.. to be productive..lame excuse
Or.. SHE IS actually quite busy with lotta work... and testing some new things
Or.. probably.. SHE left her brain somewhere to be frosted.
Anyhow... we had rain on Saturday. Thank you all for praying for rain for us :) And thank you to those who did the raindance. Raindances DO work :)
Dom is still not himself completely yet. Not his usual happy self. He still wants to be hand-fed on some meals. We give him a couple of meals a day because SHE is afraid that Dom will faint without the proper nutrients from his kibs.
Thank you to some of your suggestions to hide the pills in meat and cream cheese. He did have some pills wrapped in bacon. His favourite. My vet will be giving me an earful if he knows about this.
We might need to go to the vet again soon if he shows no interest in his normal food. He does show lotta interest in my food. I think he has seriously lost a bit of weight as his harness is a bit loose on some corners. It used it be so tight. He drinks a lot of water lately.. and pees quite a lot. Some accidents at home when i did not see his signal to go out. He feels bad when he makes a mess and he slinks into his corner under the table when he does that.
We go for two walks in a day. One in the morning and another in the late evening. He walks much slower but he seems happier when he's out for his walks.
I sure hope Dom is back to his own joyful self soon. Or maybe he had too much of the steam chicken to opt for bland kibs now.
If anyone of you would be so kind to do a raindance for us, we could use some rain tomorrow. The air is getting thick again with smoke.
My mind is actually not here or there. Hopefully we'll be back to the swing of things soon. We shall try to enjoy our dog days of summer.
Something to share with all of you from a book i am reading.
Your power of choice, use it wisely.
The above is from the book The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino :)
A very good read. We have to read it in the loo in between breaks... and it even fell into the bowl. *LOL* It still smells bookish... lalala.. good thing the "business" was not done yet. SHE was just sitting in them loo to steal some reading time.
We'll call it a night here now. Have a wonderful day ahead.
Or... we forgot we have a blog...
Or... maybe.. we got a wee bit lazy with blogging..
Or... we could have been choked by them smokey air.. to be productive..
Or.. SHE IS actually quite busy with lotta work... and testing some new things
Or.. probably.. SHE left her brain somewhere to be frosted.
Anyhow... we had rain on Saturday. Thank you all for praying for rain for us :) And thank you to those who did the raindance. Raindances DO work :)
Bumblebee kid taking Dom for a walk
This bumblebee really likes Dom. An animal lover i am sure he will be.
Dom is still not himself completely yet. Not his usual happy self. He still wants to be hand-fed on some meals. We give him a couple of meals a day because SHE is afraid that Dom will faint without the proper nutrients from his kibs.
Thank you to some of your suggestions to hide the pills in meat and cream cheese. He did have some pills wrapped in bacon. His favourite. My vet will be giving me an earful if he knows about this.
Not completely himself yet.
We might need to go to the vet again soon if he shows no interest in his normal food. He does show lotta interest in my food. I think he has seriously lost a bit of weight as his harness is a bit loose on some corners. It used it be so tight. He drinks a lot of water lately.. and pees quite a lot. Some accidents at home when i did not see his signal to go out. He feels bad when he makes a mess and he slinks into his corner under the table when he does that.
We go for two walks in a day. One in the morning and another in the late evening. He walks much slower but he seems happier when he's out for his walks.
I sure hope Dom is back to his own joyful self soon. Or maybe he had too much of the steam chicken to opt for bland kibs now.
If anyone of you would be so kind to do a raindance for us, we could use some rain tomorrow. The air is getting thick again with smoke.
My mind is actually not here or there. Hopefully we'll be back to the swing of things soon. We shall try to enjoy our dog days of summer.
Something to share with all of you from a book i am reading.
Your power of choice, use it wisely.
Choose to love... rather than hate.
Choose to laugh... rather than cry.
Choose to create... rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere... rather than quit.
Choose to praise... rather than gossip.
Choose to heal... rather than wound.
Choose to give... rather than steal.
Choose to act... rather than procastinate.
Choose to grow... rather than rot.
Choose to pray... rather than curse.
Choose to live... rather than die. The above is from the book The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino :)
A very good read. We have to read it in the loo in between breaks... and it even fell into the bowl. *LOL* It still smells bookish... lalala.. good thing the "business" was not done yet. SHE was just sitting in them loo to steal some reading time.
We'll call it a night here now. Have a wonderful day ahead.
We wish to thank all of you who came by and left some kind thoughts for me. I am getting much better and enjoying my steam chicken and ham.. yes.. HAM. I am also handfed every meal. I think i should milk it a few more days more right?
They come in a bright pink, a dull green and two very white whites. Pills. I don't like to eat my pills... and they taste nasty. Each time i eat them, they put me to sleep. Nasty pills. These group of pills are nasty fellas. She says that i must eat them to make me feel better.
Missy v-e-t fed me my pills in the clinic the other day. She just shoved them in my throat and closed my mouth. She did it 4 times. She did it so fast that i didn't know what happened. But my Anny couldn't do the same thing. She is awfully scared of my sharp teeth. *BOL* She is also awfully scared that i would choke. She is such a scardy cat. I think she's been mixing with the cats too much to make her scardy.
When i was at the v-e-t place, i was very brave. I didn't try to make myself invicible. I just lie on her lap and waited for my turn. Its a new clinic and there's two v-e-ts there. They are awfully nice too except for the part where she put the termometer up my behind and the part where they jab me with the awful needle.
The weather's not getting any better. We still have the extreme heat and smog filled air. No rain at all. We have got to the point where we try to create our own rain by doing the rain dance. It didn't help. Just dry and very dry air. Some clouds but no rain.
My brother lil P has gone back home with his mommy last weekend. The weather was slowing him down too. He was lying around panting quite a bit. His fur is much much thicker than mine and his mommy decided its best he go home. The weather in Kuala Lumpur is much better. He left his old bed behind.
When i miss Mr Piper, i lie on his bed and think about him. *sighhhhhhhhhhh* I wonder if he is having steam chicken too.
We were both with Sumomo for a day last week when they went on a short roadtrip. We had a good time at Sumomo. I even got to meet Momo. If you need a place to stay while your hoomans are away on holiday, stay with Sumomo. They are very nice people.
They even took pictures of both Mr P and me. We are now famous because we are on some very famous thing called Facebook.
They come in a bright pink, a dull green and two very white whites. Pills. I don't like to eat my pills... and they taste nasty. Each time i eat them, they put me to sleep. Nasty pills. These group of pills are nasty fellas. She says that i must eat them to make me feel better.
Missy v-e-t fed me my pills in the clinic the other day. She just shoved them in my throat and closed my mouth. She did it 4 times. She did it so fast that i didn't know what happened. But my Anny couldn't do the same thing. She is awfully scared of my sharp teeth. *BOL* She is also awfully scared that i would choke. She is such a scardy cat. I think she's been mixing with the cats too much to make her scardy.
When i was at the v-e-t place, i was very brave. I didn't try to make myself invicible. I just lie on her lap and waited for my turn. Its a new clinic and there's two v-e-ts there. They are awfully nice too except for the part where she put the termometer up my behind and the part where they jab me with the awful needle.
The weather's not getting any better. We still have the extreme heat and smog filled air. No rain at all. We have got to the point where we try to create our own rain by doing the rain dance. It didn't help. Just dry and very dry air. Some clouds but no rain.
My brother lil P has gone back home with his mommy last weekend. The weather was slowing him down too. He was lying around panting quite a bit. His fur is much much thicker than mine and his mommy decided its best he go home. The weather in Kuala Lumpur is much better. He left his old bed behind.
When i miss Mr Piper, i lie on his bed and think about him. *sighhhhhhhhhhh* I wonder if he is having steam chicken too.
We were both with Sumomo for a day last week when they went on a short roadtrip. We had a good time at Sumomo. I even got to meet Momo. If you need a place to stay while your hoomans are away on holiday, stay with Sumomo. They are very nice people.
They even took pictures of both Mr P and me. We are now famous because we are on some very famous thing called Facebook.
picture courtesy from Sumomo
picture courtesy from Sumomo
We read a very interesting post on our friend Sugar's site today. Her mommy wrote a very good post on the Golden Age. Both Sugar and i are at our senior years. We are both 9. Do head over there and read about it. My Boy just told me that next year when i get to 10, i will be older than grandpa. Oh boy.
My Boy will be with me for another one more month and then he will be off to university. He got himself into medical school. Hope he will enjoy his university days and become a good doctor one day. We are all very proud of him here. He is still a very lazy bum who doesn't like to get up in the morning but we all love him with all our hearts. I better make the most of my boy's time with me. He does the best tummy scritches. I wonder if he'll leave his bed for me too. Hmmm...
Meantime... it is really very warm to lie down on beds in the afternoons. Even with the AC on, i am just lying on the cold floors.
Till then, thank you again for all your kind thoughts and comments. I will be better soon.
woofs n licks,
We apologise for the lack of posts and visits lately. Its been 2 weeks since our last post. We have been here and there and somewhere. "Someone" thought that we got kidnapped. *LOL*
The weather's really really bad here. Lots of haze and no rain. Choking smog-like haze. Each year, around this time, we'll be hit with haze from open forest fires in Indonesia. It is an inconvenience and a crisis to have such unhealthy air each and every year at this time. There seems to be no solution to the inconvenience.
Its warm and dry and the throats get dry and loads of people get sick. Asthmatic people get attacks and more and more people at the clinics.
Curly's not well.
We were just back from the vet this morning. He is having a blocked nose and a very high fever. He was sneezing the whole night yesterday and he drank lots of water. He has not been eating his food for days. But he had some bits of food when i force feed him.
The vet had to give him a jab as his fever is very high. We still don't know if its the weather that is causing him to be sick or if its something else. Poor guy even yelped when the vet gave him a jab. The vet did say the jab was going to be painful.
The vet says that i should give him steam chicken breast. Curly's eyes lighted up when he heard that. That's one of his favourite food. He has to have something in his stomach before he eats the meds.
He is feeling much better after the jab. He even asked for some food.
Dom is never sick. At least the four years that he is with me, he is never sick. He is quite a robust dog. Always happy and always hungry and jumping. Never sick. He is always smiling and happy. I guess age is surely catching up on him.
Hopefully the haze will clear up soon.
We went to a vet nearer to our home this time. He seems okay with this new vet. His yearly visit to his usual vet for his distemper jabs is quite a distance away.
His weight still stands at 9.3kgs. Still a bit overweight Missy Vet says. Oh my. And he hasn't been eating well for a few days.
Now we gotta feed the Curly his food and meds. We'll be around soon to visit all of you.
The weather's really really bad here. Lots of haze and no rain. Choking smog-like haze. Each year, around this time, we'll be hit with haze from open forest fires in Indonesia. It is an inconvenience and a crisis to have such unhealthy air each and every year at this time. There seems to be no solution to the inconvenience.
Its warm and dry and the throats get dry and loads of people get sick. Asthmatic people get attacks and more and more people at the clinics.
Curly's not well.
We were just back from the vet this morning. He is having a blocked nose and a very high fever. He was sneezing the whole night yesterday and he drank lots of water. He has not been eating his food for days. But he had some bits of food when i force feed him.
The vet had to give him a jab as his fever is very high. We still don't know if its the weather that is causing him to be sick or if its something else. Poor guy even yelped when the vet gave him a jab. The vet did say the jab was going to be painful.
The vet says that i should give him steam chicken breast. Curly's eyes lighted up when he heard that. That's one of his favourite food. He has to have something in his stomach before he eats the meds.
He is feeling much better after the jab. He even asked for some food.
Dom is never sick. At least the four years that he is with me, he is never sick. He is quite a robust dog. Always happy and always hungry and jumping. Never sick. He is always smiling and happy. I guess age is surely catching up on him.
Hopefully the haze will clear up soon.
We went to a vet nearer to our home this time. He seems okay with this new vet. His yearly visit to his usual vet for his distemper jabs is quite a distance away.
His weight still stands at 9.3kgs. Still a bit overweight Missy Vet says. Oh my. And he hasn't been eating well for a few days.
Now we gotta feed the Curly his food and meds. We'll be around soon to visit all of you.
Posted by
7/20/2011 05:39:00 PM
Hartamas Animal Medical Centre,

photo stolen from da Booker Man
Whatcha doing there? Are you doing my cupcake yet??
Can i wait here?? Are you making my cupcake yet?
Finally.. my cow baked me my birthday cupcake. SHE was 5 days late. Yes yes.. i know how to count.
It tasted nommieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... because both Piper and i finished it all. Grandpa was puzzled that both of us got cupcakes for tea today.
I had to share MY cupcake with my little brother Mr P again! First it was the egg and now MY cupcake. SHE said that i should always learn to share. And i am still FAT.. yada yada yada... and it was near dinner time.. yada yada yada...
SHE finally baked my cupcake today as SHE said the bananas were just right for baking and it was not ripe enough yesterday. Hmmmm... her excuses for being lazy.
Anyways.. SHE stole a recipe from a website called... urmmm.. wait.. lemme go back to her archive.. urmm... they are called Muttfins. You can visit Latte & Cookie for the recepi here.Thanks to Latte... my cupcake dream became a reality... finally.
She added a yogurt topping for the cupcake.
I hope we both get another cupcake to share tomorrow. I see there's still one hidden in the oven. I think its for me :)
I am not angry anymore.. i got my cupcake dream. Now its time to sleep. Its getting a wee bit late over here. I'll continue with my dreaming of the cupcake in the oven :) Goodnight folks and Happy 4th of July to all our friends in the USA.
We are amused and tickled by the fact that we got a lot of you confused about the last post :) Our apologies.
My colleague (the Queen Mother) and i were just being a little discreet about the said colour. Let me try and confuse you all some more today.
A certain colour got itself involved in a rally that might happen in my country soon. A peace rally actually. A peace rally about fair clean elections at our upcoming General Election. But some certain quarters are a bit intimidated by the said colour as it is a very bright and happy colour.
We live in a peaceful country. Not quite fair all the time but peaceful. Our country is a melting pot of different cultures and religions. But we have lived peacefully side by side for as long as i can remember.
Politics are not always clean as in some countries too. People get greedy and people forget that there are others out there who suffers while they get fat.
“A statesman is he who thinks in the future generations, and a politician is he who thinks in the upcoming elections.” Abraham Lincoln
We need statesmen... a few good men right at the top.
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln
Note to Booker: You will always be welcome here.. we love blondies :) Don't cry ya.
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