We are pawticipating in Hats for Hope for SASS's momma Missy Judi today. She needs all your helpful prayers and crossed paws for a tiny miracle. Please if you may, please do hop over to their side and leave them a pawerful prayer and good wishes.

Images courtesy from Zoolatry

Even though we don't really know Missy Judi very very well but this is the Blogville and when someone or some doggy or kitteh kat needs a prayer or help, we will try our mighty might to do our best to deliver. We also cannot let our good friend Kristin and Pippy down.

Ms Judi is very famous in Blogville for hatting all the doggies and kitteh kats of Blogville. Maybe one day we will be hatted by her too.

Meantime, we will wear a hat in her honour and hope she gets well soon. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers Judi. 

Comments have been turned off for this post. Do drop over to Judi's blog to leave her some postive support and kind words. Thank you all my friends.
