But its still nice to develop some of the pictures and keep them in albums. People pictures. Human interaction and life. Especially for older folks, it is actually quite a hassle for them to check the email or facebook to see pictures of their precious ones.
My Third Eye is suppose to be A Picture A Day. Sometimes i post many a day when i get bored late at night. My aim was to record 365 images within a year.
I am almost to my halfway mark :D well almost...
When i reach my halfway mark, i am giving away a free 8R printout to the first 3 commentators.
You get to choose whichever image you like on BooMooHoo. This is my gift to you for visiting my playground on the other side :)
My halfway mark would be at 182.5-09. If you like to have a piece of my memory, do drop me a comment when i get to that post. Soon :D
8 woofs:
Dat's not too long from now... just about 15.5 post to go. Errr... how to calculate the 0.5??
I'll keep this in mind... hopefully I won't forget la :D I've set my eyes on Dom and PP... hehe
Urmmm.. it wud be named 182.5-09 :p and it will be just be half a post.. hehehehe
ope u'll get one of my printouts ;)
All the best Anny!
Glad to see your baby grows:)
I will go and check out your 3rd eye!
cayok2 anny..
i'm waiting.. :P
yep.. it grows fast... then it will slow down a bit when i get to 365 :)
hahahaha.. ya ya.. Diya.. u wait ah :D
boomoohoo! hoo hoo! quack quack!!! am i the 3rd one?
ur the 2nd one.. hhehehe.. i still have 1 more picture to give...
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