This here is my new friend and i on my poang. My new friend sure takes up a lot of space and insists on sitting right smack in the middle.
Here it is again... taking up my bed. I am left hanging out halfway on my bed if i wanna sleep on my bed.
I try to move into my bed a little bit more... but it growls at me. *shudders*
I think my new friend ate one of my cookies too. I always get 4 cookies in the morning.
Does anyone know who/what is my new friend in the sock. It growls... and it mews.. and it barks back at me too occasionally. *shudders*
Wait till my Piper comes home. I am sure he's gonna bark it down and fling it left right and center.. plus back. I'll hide it in on his bed and let IT hog Piper's bed instead. That would be a wonderful idea :) I wonder when Mr P's gonna come back.
Here's Mr P in his new tee. I think he's trying to look darn cute. Isn't he too old to be trying to act cute? *BOL* Looking darn cute sometimes get us the nom noms. Its a day job.
I'm gonna go chase some kitteh cats in the garden while SHE fix my dinner. After that i'll go for my walk with Boy. Now he is the designated walker every evening. He takes me to check out some kitteh cats at the lanes sometimes. I am glad Boy is home. He's done with his matriculation and just waiting for his entrance to Uni. He's all mine for four whole months. He does better tummy rubs too. Sometimes.. he lets me get on his bed. *shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHH*
Catch you all later.
That's a very very happy Dommy. That was taken after i picked him up from the boarding place.
When we go on the road usually we take Dom with us. In Malaysia, there are not many pet friendly hotels.
I am hesitant to send him for boarding most of the time as sometimes they come back sick or dehydrated. Once he came back with bloody stools. Another time he came back confused and spaced out.
Last week, we send Dom to a new boarding place. He stayed there for four days. This is a new establishment and the place looked clean.
They really took good care of him and each morning, they bring him down to the play area cum office to mix around with the other dogs. I bet he had a pretty good time there.
If you are in Ipoh, Malaysia and need a place to board your dogs when you travel, do check them out. The place is run by Nat and Amy. They are very friendly and nice.
Now i can rest easy when i have to go away. I know that there's a place where they love dogs and they really do take care of them well.
This is the first time Curly came back from boarding with no sickies and no bloody stools.
When we go on the road usually we take Dom with us. In Malaysia, there are not many pet friendly hotels.
I am hesitant to send him for boarding most of the time as sometimes they come back sick or dehydrated. Once he came back with bloody stools. Another time he came back confused and spaced out.
Last week, we send Dom to a new boarding place. He stayed there for four days. This is a new establishment and the place looked clean.
They really took good care of him and each morning, they bring him down to the play area cum office to mix around with the other dogs. I bet he had a pretty good time there.
If you are in Ipoh, Malaysia and need a place to board your dogs when you travel, do check them out. The place is run by Nat and Amy. They are very friendly and nice.
This is their facebook page. Sumomo Pet Boutique
Now i can rest easy when i have to go away. I know that there's a place where they love dogs and they really do take care of them well.
This is the first time Curly came back from boarding with no sickies and no bloody stools.
This song by Rod Stewart kinda sums up what i'm feeling now. Some guys DO have all the luck.
As you all know, my hooman left me for 4 ENTIRE DAYS with a TOTAL STRANGER last week. Happily she went off to some market in Thailand. Her excuse was... she wanted to get me a new bed because it is cheaper there. Yes yes.. my hooman is a cheapo cheaper cheapskate.
Here's me in my new bed.
Fitting in.. trying to fit in.. turning left and then right.. and then left again.
Don't you think that this bed is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too small for me? She must be outta her tootles when she's off shopping and just grab a bed for me when it was time to go home. I think she even forget how i look like when she was crazy shopping for other things. That's how she ended up with a smaller than small bed for me.
I did try to fit into it... made myself comfortable. It is very comfy and fluffy... but i am getting CRAMPED LEGS.
Now i am back to my old ikea donut bed with part of my new bed. Nowwww.. this is the right size and comfort. Don't you think so?
My silly hooman will need to bring me along next time if SHE wanna do some bed shopping for me.
Now we are left with a empty half of a bed.
Some guys do have all the luck. Mr P got a perfect size new yellow bed. I think there's favouritism going on around here. How come his bed looks so comfy and big... and cuter... and and and... with wings.
I am the thinkings and the thinkings... i am not loved. BoohoohoooooooooooooooooOOOOooooo On second thoughts... even this blog is named after him. BoohooooooooooooooOOOOoooo
Does anyone want a Curly?
I am good...
I am obedient.
I eat not a lot.
I sleep quite a lot.
I love walkies.
I love women.
I don't quite like very small kids that tug my tail.
I love to chase cats and I love to eat cat food too.
I am Curly.
I am handsome.
I am mostly funny.
Does anyone want me?
Posted by
5/19/2011 11:56:00 AM
Dog Beds,
Rod Stewart,

Posted by
5/18/2011 10:44:00 AM
Temple of Dawn,
Wat Arun,
Wordless Wednesday

We are finally home. Thank you all for leaving a comment and guessing where we went :)
I think Blogger had a glitch or a meltdown while we were away. Do you think maybe just maybe Blogger misses us? And and they had a meltdown because of us? NAW! *LOL*
Blogger probably had a meltdown because it is so HOT. Anyways.. i am sorry that some comments went missing on the post but to be fair to all we took it from our email and pasted it below.
Georgia Lil Pea from Little Dogs on Long Leashes, please email to me your address at We have got something special just for you from Chatuchak Market in Bangkok :)
Thank you all for participating :) It has been fun reading your comments while we were travelling. More stories to come later.
I think Blogger had a glitch or a meltdown while we were away. Do you think maybe just maybe Blogger misses us? And and they had a meltdown because of us? NAW! *LOL*
Blogger probably had a meltdown because it is so HOT. Anyways.. i am sorry that some comments went missing on the post but to be fair to all we took it from our email and pasted it below.
Here are the comments from last post.
scotsmad has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
We don't know which market--but can't believe You can't go! That is sooooo unfair.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Happy.Bark.Days has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
Dom looks so great now after his grooming session! And his collar tag is hilarious...I think it pretty much sums up what's on every dog's mind ;)
Happy.Bark.Days has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
Dom looks so great now after his grooming session! And his collar tag is hilarious...I think it pretty much sums up what's on every dog's mind ;)
Ann has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
OK since I pretty much know nothing about Asia, I googled huge market in Asia and came up with SM mall of Asia. So that's my guess :)
Good idea with the I love food tag, wouldn't want to take a chance of them not knowing you like to eat Dom
Good idea with the I love food tag, wouldn't want to take a chance of them not knowing you like to eat Dom
georgia little pea has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
a roadtrip, how exciting! the only big big market in asia that i can think of is chatuchak [spelling?] in bangkok. could you drive there in a few days though? hmmm.
have a safe and happy trip to wherever! :) xox
Mr. Pip has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
No idea which market, but I bet you will have lots of fun! Have a great trip. Poor Dommy!
Your pal, Pip
Amber-Mae has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
OH gee, I don't know! But I'm going to guess anyway. Chatuchak market in Thailand? That's the only biiiiiiiig & very popular market in Asia that I know of. But you're going all the way to Thailand?
OH gee, I don't know! But I'm going to guess anyway. Chatuchak market in Thailand? That's the only biiiiiiiig & very popular market in Asia that I know of. But you're going all the way to Thailand?
Lorenza has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
Hmmm.... I am clueless.... but I hope you have a great time!
Kisses and hugs
Hmmm.... I am clueless.... but I hope you have a great time!
Kisses and hugs
Jon Terry has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
Errmm..are you going to Thailand?
Anyway, you have a great time at the market, k :) Take care
Love ya, Jon Terry
Errmm..are you going to Thailand?
Anyway, you have a great time at the market, k :) Take care
Love ya, Jon Terry
houndstooth has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
I have no idea which market it is, but I love your tag!
I have no idea which market it is, but I love your tag!
BeadedTail has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
We hope it's a big dog food and treat market! BOL! Hope you have a great time!
We hope it's a big dog food and treat market! BOL! Hope you have a great time!
We love the I Love Food tag!
Chicco has left a new comment on your post "Off To The Market":
Oh, Sorry but i have no idea what market is. I hope that you have fun a lot!
Woof, woof,
Oh, Sorry but i have no idea what market is. I hope that you have fun a lot!
Woof, woof,
hero said...
I thought about chatuchak market as well when you mentioned big huge market in Asia... boy, a roadtrip to Bangkok? That's a long way... hope Piper and Dom don't have to stay long at boarding :(
Licks, hero
Licks, hero
Georgia Lil Pea from Little Dogs on Long Leashes, please email to me your address at We have got something special just for you from Chatuchak Market in Bangkok :)
Thank you all for participating :) It has been fun reading your comments while we were travelling. More stories to come later.
We will be going on a roadtrip later today. We are going off to a big big market "somewhere" :)
Can anyone guess which market we are going to? hehehe We'll bring you a gift from there if you can guess which market. The first person who can guess which market we are going to will get a souvenir from there.
The market is biggggggggggggg and its in Asia :)
Till then... catch up with all of you again next week.
Dom got conned into the car...
Thinking that he was going on a car ride, he smiled and laughed all the way.
When we got to Momo's place, he remembered. I took him for a sniff around last weekend. He will be staying with Momo for four days without Piper. Its a good thing there were four other poodles around for boarding. I don't think he will be bored.
Just in case they forget to feed him, he is wearing his "I Love Food" tag to remind them :)
Catch you all again soon. Take care and we'll bring back a gift for a woof, a meow and a person.
Can anyone guess which market we are going to? hehehe We'll bring you a gift from there if you can guess which market. The first person who can guess which market we are going to will get a souvenir from there.
The market is biggggggggggggg and its in Asia :)
Till then... catch up with all of you again next week.
Dom got conned into the car...
Thinking that he was going on a car ride, he smiled and laughed all the way.
When we got to Momo's place, he remembered. I took him for a sniff around last weekend. He will be staying with Momo for four days without Piper. Its a good thing there were four other poodles around for boarding. I don't think he will be bored.
Just in case they forget to feed him, he is wearing his "I Love Food" tag to remind them :)
Catch you all again soon. Take care and we'll bring back a gift for a woof, a meow and a person.
*flapping of hands* adoi adoi adoi...
That was Aini my helper shouting in the toilet this morning. I went to the toilet to see her still flapping her hands... and trying to reach inside the black hole in the toilet. I asked her what went down the hole??
She kept saying stopper stopper...
She looks scared... she said.. the stopper.. stopper went down the hole.
Then it hit me that the rubber water stopper for the basin went down the hole.
I went round to the back lane and watched the drain hole for a while. Aini kept flushing loads of water down the hole.. and ran to the kitchen window and kept asking me.. did it come out.. did it come out???
The cats seem amused to see me down in the drain with them and watching the hole. They mew and mew and ask me what was i looking for (ok.. that was probably just in my head and the results from too much cat watching) I communicated back and ask them if they saw a red stopper.
They throw back their heads and laughed at me. (ok.. maybe that was just me but i was sure they were laughing at me).
Next i have dad back from his morning walks.. and seeing Aini flapping her hands, he took over the flushing of the water in the toilet hole... and Aini joined me at the backlane to peep at the drain hole. The cats were rolling on their backs laughing now.. i swear.
She was all apologetic when we couldn't find the stopper. She keep looking for it in the drains. She was most afraid.
She is an honorable person who really works very hard for a living. She comes and help me clean the house on Tuesday. I have some "cracking issues" and my hands cannot handle detergents and soaps too much. She's a blessing to have or else this house would be in chaos.
She used to help my mom to clean the house too when we were little. She's been around this household off and on for a good many years. Still comes in her trusty old bicycle.
Poor woman was so upset over the lost stopper. Even though it only costs me 70 cents to get a new stopper, it did cause her a lot of anxiety. To me it might just be 70 cents to get something replaced. To her, she felt embarassed to lose something on the job.
Well... at least we did have some kind of activity this morning other than the very very very warm days. We are losing many kilos just melting in these warm days. No more rain.
Smallest fella also did not come for dinner yesterday. I didn't see her this morning too. Wonder where could she be. I think maybe she lost her way while maneuvering the endless maze of drain holes. She could probably be at the same house at another lane. Or maybe she found some other kitteh cats to play at some other lanes. Dom and i will go look for her again this evening.
*flapping of hands* adoi adoi adoi...
That was Aini my helper shouting in the toilet this morning. I went to the toilet to see her still flapping her hands... and trying to reach inside the black hole in the toilet. I asked her what went down the hole??
She kept saying stopper stopper...
She looks scared... she said.. the stopper.. stopper went down the hole.
Then it hit me that the rubber water stopper for the basin went down the hole.
I went round to the back lane and watched the drain hole for a while. Aini kept flushing loads of water down the hole.. and ran to the kitchen window and kept asking me.. did it come out.. did it come out???
The cats seem amused to see me down in the drain with them and watching the hole. They mew and mew and ask me what was i looking for (ok.. that was probably just in my head and the results from too much cat watching) I communicated back and ask them if they saw a red stopper.
They throw back their heads and laughed at me. (ok.. maybe that was just me but i was sure they were laughing at me).
Next i have dad back from his morning walks.. and seeing Aini flapping her hands, he took over the flushing of the water in the toilet hole... and Aini joined me at the backlane to peep at the drain hole. The cats were rolling on their backs laughing now.. i swear.
She was all apologetic when we couldn't find the stopper. She keep looking for it in the drains. She was most afraid.
She is an honorable person who really works very hard for a living. She comes and help me clean the house on Tuesday. I have some "cracking issues" and my hands cannot handle detergents and soaps too much. She's a blessing to have or else this house would be in chaos.
She used to help my mom to clean the house too when we were little. She's been around this household off and on for a good many years. Still comes in her trusty old bicycle.
The red missing fella
Poor woman was so upset over the lost stopper. Even though it only costs me 70 cents to get a new stopper, it did cause her a lot of anxiety. To me it might just be 70 cents to get something replaced. To her, she felt embarassed to lose something on the job.
Well... at least we did have some kind of activity this morning other than the very very very warm days. We are losing many kilos just melting in these warm days. No more rain.
Smallest fella also did not come for dinner yesterday. I didn't see her this morning too. Wonder where could she be. I think maybe she lost her way while maneuvering the endless maze of drain holes. She could probably be at the same house at another lane. Or maybe she found some other kitteh cats to play at some other lanes. Dom and i will go look for her again this evening.
Posted by
5/10/2011 05:32:00 PM
Smallest Fella,

Mr Postman just came... and brought the lil brown book. I'm so gonna whack his head tomorrow cos he folded the envelope in half to stuff it in the malbox. Good thing.. no creases and folds on the book itself.
Anyways.. the lil brown book is this.
The size is much smaller than last years book. It is not from Moleskin. This time its from Scout Books. The little books with big ideas :)
Paper quality is not too great. But the size of the book is pretty handy. We ordered our book much earlier so that we can enjoy the process of doodling.
We took the theme I Remember You. Probably we will be documenting the things or people that pass by our life :) It will be loads of fun.
Do join me on The Sketchbook Project World Tour 2012. Participate by clicking on the picture below.
Anyways.. the lil brown book is this.
The size is much smaller than last years book. It is not from Moleskin. This time its from Scout Books. The little books with big ideas :)
Paper quality is not too great. But the size of the book is pretty handy. We ordered our book much earlier so that we can enjoy the process of doodling.
We took the theme I Remember You. Probably we will be documenting the things or people that pass by our life :) It will be loads of fun.
Do join me on The Sketchbook Project World Tour 2012. Participate by clicking on the picture below.
Posted by
5/05/2011 12:52:00 PM
I Remember You,
Scout Books,
Sketchbook Project,
The Sketchbook Project World Tour 2012

Lookit the pinky parts...
Close your eyes now, and imagine being in a "happy place"
dance like a chicken
urmm... moo like a cow...
hop like a rabbit
errr... gimme all your nom noms.
This is me... all alone at home. All aloooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOooonnneeee.
Mommy went on the train this morning back to Dommyland and left me all alone. All alone i tell you. How can she leave me all alone. She said furries are not allowed on the trains. I can hide in her big handbag and won't even bark you know. But she says NO. She says i have to take care of the house and daddy.
I am just a teeny tiny fella you know. How would i know how to take care of the house and of daddy too?? Dom usually does the house securities. He takes care of them houses and them introoders. Its Dommy's job.
I wonder if daddy will remember to feed me.
Ahhh well... desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Caught ya lil fat fella. This should do for dinner for both daddy and me. We can share.
Don't worry mommy. I got dinner sorted out. Now daddy just haveta pop it into the oven and give it a grill. Then we are all set for dinner.
Shitzus are smart lil fellas. We thrive easily in any situations. We just pretend to be small helpless creatures most of the time so that our hoomans/other curly furry will get the job done for us. *BOL*
Come back soon ya Mommy. And don't let that Curly get too close to you.
Mommy went on the train this morning back to Dommyland and left me all alone. All alone i tell you. How can she leave me all alone. She said furries are not allowed on the trains. I can hide in her big handbag and won't even bark you know. But she says NO. She says i have to take care of the house and daddy.
I am just a teeny tiny fella you know. How would i know how to take care of the house and of daddy too?? Dom usually does the house securities. He takes care of them houses and them introoders. Its Dommy's job.
I wonder if daddy will remember to feed me.
Ahhh well... desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Caught ya lil fat fella. This should do for dinner for both daddy and me. We can share.
Don't worry mommy. I got dinner sorted out. Now daddy just haveta pop it into the oven and give it a grill. Then we are all set for dinner.
Shitzus are smart lil fellas. We thrive easily in any situations. We just pretend to be small helpless creatures most of the time so that our hoomans/other curly furry will get the job done for us. *BOL*
Come back soon ya Mommy. And don't let that Curly get too close to you.
Mayday Mayday Mayday
Mayday could mean the 1st of May or it could mean the distress signal code m'aider in French meaning "come help me".
Firstly... Happy Mayday to everyone. I hope none is working today. Even my breadman is taking a break and not baking today :) Its good to take a break sometimes if you can.
This old man is humming softly. With earplugs, he sings a sad tune. All the sad songs goes on and on. Why would an old man like him be so sad on such a day?
He drifts in and out and remembers mostly of the past. Mostly of the past because those were the happy times. We should remember only about the things that make us happy.
His vision is a bit blurry and driving at night now seems a problem. His gait is a bit wobbly and sometimes he trips over imaginary things.
He longs for the comfort of his sweet wife and sometimes wishes that she is still around to hold him close. The wife which he spent his whole lifetime with. Only one love and an enduring one even though she has gone over to the rainbow bridge. Love like that is hard to find nowadays. Some people are more into varieties and scoot when the going gets tough.
He still makes a drink in the mornings and at night for her even though she is not able to drink it physically but she will know somehow that she is still loved. Some people call him crazy for putting a cup of hot coffee still on the table beside her picture. Cmon... its been four years they say. But if it makes him feel better and makes his day go easier, who cares about the some people.
He goes to chat with her at the church each morning. Lights her a candle and sometimes rant about the things that happen at home. He knows she'll listen when others don't. He knows she will understand when none does.
He is my father and he is 70 years old. An old man. His time on earth is on grace. Like each and everyone of us, our time on earth is on grace too. We do not know if tomorrow will come.
My father used to be quite an angry man. Life was tougher then. There were many mouths to feed then. When he drives us to school, I used to shudder and become really small in the car when he scolds everyone on the road while driving us to school. Quite an angry man. Smoking made him more agitated then.
But he has always given us the best in education and whatever he could afford. He created a safe home and a wonderful childhood for my sisters and i. Even the days when we did wrong and got caned, it breaks his heart more to cane us. He will come and check on us later and put medicine then. He'll talk with us and all is forgotten the next day.
He always made time for us. He takes us all over for holidays when he could. When he has more money, we stayed at better places. When he had less, we stayed at an association once. Spooky but it was an experience. He took us for ice-cream treats when his salary comes in. He always buys books.. dollie books.. coloring books.. loads of books for us. He always tried to make each and every one of us special. He gave me the gift of music in my life. He gave me piano lessons which i hated then but now i wish i followed through back then.
When you get to 70 years old, sometimes your children doesn't really want to listen to your opinion anymore. They have grown and made their own observations to come up with their own opinions on things. When you tell them your opinion, sometimes it will clash and a lot of fireworks gets exchanged. Who's right and who's wrong, would it really matter at the end of the day?
I took my dad out to lunch today. He still has the knack to scold almost everyone on the road. *LOL* Everyone seems to be in the wrong. That's where i learnt to practise selective hearing.
It is quite bad to do selective hearing with your own dad. I've moved back home 4 years ago since my mom passed away. If i did not practise selective hearing, it could prove to be too much and overwhelming on some days. I have lived a very free and unbounded life for a very long time. Nobody could actually tell me what to do and when to do it. I have always been quite a stubborn mule.
People who know me knows that i don't like to pick fights. I always walk away.
Selective hearing works in some ways for harmony to exist at home. He may be right or he may be wrong and he can be quite a nag but do know that he is an old man. Don't hold grudges with your own dad. If you only make one phone call a month to your father, something must be very wrong.
We move ahead each and everyday. We don't look back at the things that make us sad. We look forward to the things that make us glad. We keep good memories of our loved ones. We don't keep grudges and keep going back to things that hurts us most.
Slowly day by day he is losing his beautiful mind because of loneliness. He longs for company. He is scared to be alone sometimes. I try to keep as much time as i could with dad but i cannot do this all alone. m'aider
We try to go and be with family as much as we could. But when we get together, why must there always be drama. *LOL* People have to tiptoe around you. Even the breeze makes a hurried departure through the rear door. Not everything is about you.
My apologies for the very long rant. This is just a silent letter to someone. I hope she don't read this or i'll surely be in deep shit. *LOL* And a lot of drama continues...
Mayday could mean the 1st of May or it could mean the distress signal code m'aider in French meaning "come help me".
Firstly... Happy Mayday to everyone. I hope none is working today. Even my breadman is taking a break and not baking today :) Its good to take a break sometimes if you can.
This old man is humming softly. With earplugs, he sings a sad tune. All the sad songs goes on and on. Why would an old man like him be so sad on such a day?
He drifts in and out and remembers mostly of the past. Mostly of the past because those were the happy times. We should remember only about the things that make us happy.
His vision is a bit blurry and driving at night now seems a problem. His gait is a bit wobbly and sometimes he trips over imaginary things.
He longs for the comfort of his sweet wife and sometimes wishes that she is still around to hold him close. The wife which he spent his whole lifetime with. Only one love and an enduring one even though she has gone over to the rainbow bridge. Love like that is hard to find nowadays. Some people are more into varieties and scoot when the going gets tough.
He still makes a drink in the mornings and at night for her even though she is not able to drink it physically but she will know somehow that she is still loved. Some people call him crazy for putting a cup of hot coffee still on the table beside her picture. Cmon... its been four years they say. But if it makes him feel better and makes his day go easier, who cares about the some people.
He goes to chat with her at the church each morning. Lights her a candle and sometimes rant about the things that happen at home. He knows she'll listen when others don't. He knows she will understand when none does.
He is my father and he is 70 years old. An old man. His time on earth is on grace. Like each and everyone of us, our time on earth is on grace too. We do not know if tomorrow will come.
My father used to be quite an angry man. Life was tougher then. There were many mouths to feed then. When he drives us to school, I used to shudder and become really small in the car when he scolds everyone on the road while driving us to school. Quite an angry man. Smoking made him more agitated then.
But he has always given us the best in education and whatever he could afford. He created a safe home and a wonderful childhood for my sisters and i. Even the days when we did wrong and got caned, it breaks his heart more to cane us. He will come and check on us later and put medicine then. He'll talk with us and all is forgotten the next day.
He always made time for us. He takes us all over for holidays when he could. When he has more money, we stayed at better places. When he had less, we stayed at an association once. Spooky but it was an experience. He took us for ice-cream treats when his salary comes in. He always buys books.. dollie books.. coloring books.. loads of books for us. He always tried to make each and every one of us special. He gave me the gift of music in my life. He gave me piano lessons which i hated then but now i wish i followed through back then.
When you get to 70 years old, sometimes your children doesn't really want to listen to your opinion anymore. They have grown and made their own observations to come up with their own opinions on things. When you tell them your opinion, sometimes it will clash and a lot of fireworks gets exchanged. Who's right and who's wrong, would it really matter at the end of the day?
I took my dad out to lunch today. He still has the knack to scold almost everyone on the road. *LOL* Everyone seems to be in the wrong. That's where i learnt to practise selective hearing.
It is quite bad to do selective hearing with your own dad. I've moved back home 4 years ago since my mom passed away. If i did not practise selective hearing, it could prove to be too much and overwhelming on some days. I have lived a very free and unbounded life for a very long time. Nobody could actually tell me what to do and when to do it. I have always been quite a stubborn mule.
People who know me knows that i don't like to pick fights. I always walk away.
Selective hearing works in some ways for harmony to exist at home. He may be right or he may be wrong and he can be quite a nag but do know that he is an old man. Don't hold grudges with your own dad. If you only make one phone call a month to your father, something must be very wrong.
We move ahead each and everyday. We don't look back at the things that make us sad. We look forward to the things that make us glad. We keep good memories of our loved ones. We don't keep grudges and keep going back to things that hurts us most.
Slowly day by day he is losing his beautiful mind because of loneliness. He longs for company. He is scared to be alone sometimes. I try to keep as much time as i could with dad but i cannot do this all alone. m'aider
We try to go and be with family as much as we could. But when we get together, why must there always be drama. *LOL* People have to tiptoe around you. Even the breeze makes a hurried departure through the rear door. Not everything is about you.
My apologies for the very long rant. This is just a silent letter to someone. I hope she don't read this or i'll surely be in deep shit. *LOL* And a lot of drama continues...
But but but... everything is ABOUT ME right?? right?
Can i have some nom noms now??
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