For the past few weeks, i have been getting up at 6am. For me... 6am is like the best time to sleep. But hell no... both Dommy and Piper are like birds. They are early birds. They both sleep in their own beds in my room. But a tiny movement from me.. or a turn, will get them both excited. They would think that its morning even though it could be 3am. They would get all excited to get up and shake their butts and eager to go out with the "i need to pee look".
The reason i get up at 6am is to get myself ready to send my nephew off to college before i start work myself at home. I could let him drive himself to college but he just got his licence a few months back. The early morning traffic is horrendous on the highway. And you have flying empty lorries on all three lanes of the highway rushing off to the port. Most of the time, he is not even awake yet to drive. Yes.. i think i pamper him too much. *LOL* But he's only 17.
To get to his college takes about 30 minutes and to get back to the house.. another 30 minutes. It takes me about an hour to and fro. Sometimes it takes about an hour and a half for me to get home to turn on the yellow blinkers.
On some days, i'll drop by the wet market near his college and get some grubs and stuffs to cook for dinner later in the day. Probably take me about 15mins to do a very fast marketing.. hahhahahaha I get fresh fruits... fresh meat and some vegetables too. The breafast and nasi lemak at the market is not too bad either. They come in very big portions for a steal.
Some days i get a bit hoity toity for my own good :) Usually i'll pass by McDonalds
I love McDonalds breakfast. But the coffee is crappy as hell. Arabica coffee
Today i went to pump some petrol and walla... Dunkin Donuts
Since no one in this household fancy donuts except me, i only got two dreamy donuts. Yum yummmmm :) When i was about to pay.. i was going.. urmm.. maybe i could use a fancy coffee. I decided to give myself a big treat. Walking to the car, i grin like a silly goose while clutching the two soft donuts in the bag and the coffee in the other hand.
When i reach my car, i automatically put my cuppa of coffee on the roof of my car while i search for my keys in my pockets :D I drove off slowly and the donuts seem to be screaming at me.. EAT ME EAT ME... Being the glutton that i am... i parked my car a few meters away and quickly munch on one of the soft donuts. Yummmmmmmmmm. Then it hit me.. where's my coffee?
Damn! I must have left it on the roof of my car. I quickly got out of my car... and walla! There sits my beautiful coffee. Not a drop missing. It was just clinging on for dear life when i drove that few meters. *LOL* Good thing i drive like an old lady and i didn't make any sharp turns. I think the cars around me would be thinking why this idiot is driving around with her coffee on the roof.
The donuts did save the day and the coffee. Dunkin Donut's coffee is better.. nicer.. smoother.. urmm.. urmm.. maybe coffee that is "saved" taste like a million bucks.. hehehhee.. Not that i know how a million bucks taste like.
The internet service here is crawling like a snail this week. Is it me or is everyone experiencing exceptionally slow internet speed? I am crawling at 1Mbps.. hahahahahaa... It is almost an impossible feat to do any updates on heavy websites. Ah well... i think i'll go read a book for now. This slow speed is driving me up the wall.
Oh.. i am currently reading this. How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves by Sophia Yin.
I got it from Borders on Monday. We are just a few pages into the book. Both Dommy and i are reading it together ;p This book might help me to understand my dogs better and their behaviours. It is suppose to teach me how to behave so that my dogs behaves :) The book was going for a steal :D
I was searching for Emila's My Mother's Garden in Borders. I couldn't find the book that Emila wrote and illustrated in Borders yet. But its available at Kinokuniya. Maybe i'll go drop by Kinokuniya soon :)
If you have a kid, this book would be a wonderful book for him/her. Its beautifully illustrated and i just can't wait to get my hands on it. Visit her e-shop to get it if you are overseas and interested to buy it. Here's the link. My Mother's Garden @ Emila's Littleshop