According to wiki...
Roti Tissue, or Tissue Prata is one of the most creative looking Mamak food, sometimes known as Roti Helikopter (Helicopter bread). Roti Tissue is a much thinner version of traditional Roti canai, almost as thin as a piece of 40-50cm round-shaped tissue. The finishing touches to (the making of) Roti Tissue require skill, and they depend on the creativity of the person who makes it. Roti Tissue is available at most local Mamak stalls in Malaysia and Singapore.
Roti tissue is sometimes coated with sweet substances, like sugar and Kaya (jam). It is now a delicious dessert.

Roti tissue is also a very good dessert to have at the mamaks.. where friends can all share and tuck into it while chatting the time away. Most people are in awe of the creativity of some mamak stalls which can create a roti tissue which just shocks you the minute it arrives at the table. Most people will just have a good laugh or be in awe with mouths wide-open.. kinda like this :O

and here i am... the roti tissue wannabe :)
Wonder if anyone guessed correctly.

0 woofs:
