Baywatch Miami in Malaysia :)
In Penang, we have Miami Beach too. I am not sure how Miami Beach landed in Malaysia but we sure didn't find Pamela Anderson in her tiny red swimming suit manning this tower below.

Its a very nice bay... and quite popular with picnickers. I remember swimming here when i was a kid. I come to Penang quite often with my parents and siblings long time ago. We ate laksa after a swim too. Laksa is always extra doubly delicious after u swim. They have the hawkers beside the road. But we saw less hawkers this time.

Ahh... i love the beach. It calls to me and it brings back many happy memories.

I am wondering why the signboard points Batu Feringgi skywards... hehehehehehee

Isn't it beeeeeeeeeeeyoootiful? and serene? Still no lifeguards or lifeguard babes in tiny red swimming suits. *LOL*

Corn... steamed or barbequed... is delicious at the beach :)
10 woofs:
Aiyooo, that corn sure looks good :D
Maybe Batu Feringgi moved to heaven ... LOL!
yep.. it sure does.. but those are uncooked ones :p
move to heaven eh? hehehe... Batu Feringgi is heaven to me.. *LOL* beach and more beaches..
Wah, Miami beach in Penang?? Like dis, tak payah la pi US to see Miami beach :)
When I was growing up (early 80's) my parents used to bring my sisters and me (all 5 of us) to the beach... they'd be catching fish and clams. Rice tasted so yummy even without any dish with it!
Ya... i was thinking the same thing Nessa.. like dis.. no need to go all the way to Miami laa.. *lol* But di sini no handsome lifeguards and pretty babes in red.. so i guess.. Miami beach is still a draw :D
Ya.. everything tasted niceeeee after a swim and the salty aftertaste :D my mom used to make a huge pot of nasi lemak and dad will take us to telok batik... nasi lemak never tasted so good :D
Hahahahaha OMG! Why lah they always like to give like famous names ah. Don't want to kalah this. Baywatch lah, Beverly Hills lah...tsk, tsk, tsk. Sedar diri, you will never beat the real thing! Hahahaha
This bay is quite nice actually... and the angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi.. hehhehe.. i feel a poem in my head.. *LOL*
Only thing missing from this beach and different from Baywatch Miami are the hunky lifeguards laa...i see a tower and no one inside it.. hahhahahhaa..
Anny, the tower is for decoration only... hehe
decoration ka? i m beginning to think so too.. its too hoity toity looking.. hehehe
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