Actually we do see a few of these red telephone booths in Malaysia of late. I wonder who has been bringing these telephone booths in and confusing a lot of tourists... hehehhehee
One minute you think that you are in London and the next.. urmm... you are in Kuala Kangsar :) Pretty cool ya! Its like a teleporting machine.. hehhehehe.. What's more confusing is.. there's Kuala Kangsar and London written on the box.
You can read more about the history of the red booths from wikipedia link below :)
The red telephone box, a public telephone kiosk designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, is a familiar sight on the streets of the United Kingdom, Malta, Bermuda and Gibraltar, and despite a reduction in their numbers in recent years, red boxes can still be seen in many places and current or ex-British Colonies around the world. The colour red was chosen to make them easy to spot. (info from Wikipedia)
8 woofs:
Anny, happy day to you.
Wow! You are lucky to spotted one here:)
Love the bold red, so classic and never go out of style!
I saw a similar one just outside Victoria Station but I don't remember if there was a London sign on it.
But best oso kan, can pull pranks to people... take pic and say you've been to London... hehe. Enjoy your trip Anny! :)
Happy Days to you too YoonSee :)
I love the bold red too :D it wud be nice to have one in the garden.. hehhehee
ya.. now that u mention it.. i remember one too at Victoria Station jugo.. hehhehe
actually kan.. in KL.. quite a lot.. there was this house in Damansara Jaya.. it has a row of this red phone booths... orang kaya kot :D
m back from trip but quite overloaded at work :D
Wah, not bad la that Kuala Kangsar place, got a little London thrown in ... :D Wait, don't let the people in our government know, they might tear it down cos it belongs to the Colonial era and anything that's Colonial is bad for us ... LOL!
Nessa is right, there is one outside Victoria Station in Taipan, USJ over here ... I wonder if I can try making a call from it ... hahaha!
a little color in the center of town is alright i guess :D anything colonial bears a history. Urm.. we doooooo have loads of colonial buildings in Ipoh... and in Penang... and all over Malaysia... how to take it all away.. hhahahahhahaa...
i remember that one in Taipan was placed quite high up.. kinda on a pedestal... how laa to climb up there to make a call.. hehhehee.. ur afraid of heights rite?
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