Potato Beef Patties
- Boil some potatoes with skin intact for 15mins.
- Drain it and peel off the skin. Mash the potatoes in the pot itself. Add a pinch of salt, some pepper, minced shallots and garlic, 2-3 few drops of Maggi seasoning (optional)
- Open a can of corn beef and scoop 3 big spoons of corn beef into the potatoes.
- Add a few drops of sesame oil.
- A little bit of corn flour.
- One egg.
- Mix them all together and let it set for a while.
- Heat up the pan. Put some oil. Let it all warm up and spoon a tablespoon of the mixture to make small pieces of patties.
- Deep fried them for a while or until brown.
Here's how mine looks. They don't look very appealing... and uniformed.. hahhahahaa.. but its nice laa when you are famished *LOL*

Stir-fry some onions in a little bit of oil. In a bowl, mix some corn flour, water, dark soya sauce, a dash of light soya sauce and a pinch of salt.
As you can see below, i added a wee bit too much dark soya sauce... so my sauce is a bit darrrkkkk.. hehhehehee.. but ok laa.. its still edible. And you don't choke on the meat when its too dry. So a brown sauce complements this dish.

Note to Boy (the future one who will be cooking one day)
Don't add too many drops of the Maggi seasoning. Few drops is enough. A dash or two only.
32 woofs:
Add two cloves of minced garlic for added taste.
Yum-yum... yummyyyyy! *drools*
I feel like making these. Now, I'm hungry and it's only 8am... it's all your fault Anny!!
Wah looks soooooo yummy lah dear. Hehehehe Can make vegetarian version and FedEx to me or not? :P
yep! garlic is an impt thingy :D i got add jugo :D
hehehhehee... drools juga ye :D success laa saya if i can make u hungry...
a note... while you are frying this.. keep the kids away.. they pinch one.. then they will keep coming back to pinch it... before dinner time.. u end up with an empty plate and a burping child.
vegetarian punya ko? urmm.. just use potato and carrots... and peas.. with onions and garlic.. sedop jugooooooooooooo... :D FedEx ko? hehhehee
Wadui Annyboo, now you've got my stomach growling oredi ... LOL!
Here's a small tip, before you fry, coat the patties in eggs, it won't break up so much :D
Hmmm, never did think about using corned beef ... must go try that out soon. I normally use chicken or sardines ...
Foxie Rozie, you vergetarian kah?
yep! tats a good tip Spiffy.. coat it with egg or breadcrumbs.
I usually pop an egg in and kacau kacau.. that's why its all in a huge pile of mess and not uniformed patties.. hehehehe
corned beef is niceeeeeeeee... cos it smells great :D ystr was my first time with corned beef... usually i use chicken / pork.. hehehe
now i got to try with sardines :) thanks!
You really can cook Anny, got to learn from you.
Great sharing, will try only when I recover. My diet very very strict now!
I love beef, due to my health problem.
I can never eat beef anymore!
The taste od Beef Rendang, Beef satay, Beef noddle....
I just can't take it anymore:(:(:(:
I will try potato vege, of course!
Now, I eat my vege fresh or just steam!
No more frying!
Wah wah wah! Spiffy giving cooking tips? Sure or not!?
But haiyoh, I'm cutting off all carbs lah. Hehehehehe So no more potatoes! Maybe I can try get my sis to make some with tofu instead. Hmmm....yum!
And yeah, my mum also like to make patties with corned beef lah, tuna lah or any leftover meat also sedap. Especially a good chicken or turkey roast!
Iya, Spiff. Since January lagi.
Oh if sardines kan Anny. You put chilli and bawang sup. Aduh! Sedap that!
Hahahaha Can it be any more obvious that I am starving? :P
I can't really cook well Yoonsee.. thats why its all like crumpled bits.. hehehhee.. if an expert cook.. it wud be all nice round patties :D
Yea.. u better be on strict diet.. and get well soon. The food can wait :) take care ya YoonSee
I love beef tooooooooooooooooo... but i didn't have it much when i was a kid... somehow beef makes my skin itch... But now its ok :D i love beef teppanyaki too :D yum yum
I think sure la Rozie... I read somewhere that Spiffy cooks sometimes :D
tofu pon sedop jugo... or that tempe thing :) but i dun like tempe
ur mommie's a great cook!
yep.. i wanna try with sardines this time :) it wud be nice... with lotta chili and onions.. i cud make this everday till my nephew gets bored with it.. hahhahahahaa
I think ur really hungryyyyyyyyyyy.. hahhahahahhaa.. since u like this post especially. Cut out the carbs diet laa.. just eat in moderation and you'll be fine la.
Yeah kenyang already now after lunch. *burp* Hahahahaha
Now time to pretend to work and sleep! Hahahaha
Wah boleh tahan ah our spaceman friend. Not bad! Not bad!
burp jugo si rozie nih... hahhahahaha... if ur gonna pretend to sleep.. remember to draw 2 black dots on ur eyelids... and sit straight...close ur eyes.. people will still think that ur working :D try it :D
Good idea Anny! I'll keep that in mind tomorrow! And every other day of my working life! Hahahaha
Try it tomorrow after lunch :D i am sure it works.. but do remember to sit straight with your hands on your keyboard.. and dun ever snore *LOL*
Potato Bakes are yummy!!! Thanks Anny
you are welcome Shaun :) welcome to our site :D
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