Penang is basically a foodie haven. You see food here food there.. and food is delicious everywhere. Food is also quite affordable and you get quite a good deal.
My memories of Penang has always been laksa, beach, rojak buah, beach, nasi kandar, beach, sotong goreng, beach, fried kuey teow, beach, popiah, beach, coconut, beach *LOL* The beach is a big draw.
Let us share with you what we've achieved on this trip.
We stopped by the pier to buy some coconut juice and i chatted up a local and asked her about nasi kandar. She mentioned Pelita at Market Street. But with our navigating skills, we both ended up here.

Kassim Mustafa for nasi kandar. Nasi Kandar was very delicious here. We were famished. When i looked at the rows of dishes.. i wanted to take everything. The glutton that is me. But i settled for fried chicken and crabs. Yummieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Sorry. Forgot to take pics of the food as my fingers dug into the plate of rice and both of us never stopped eating till we burped. I can still recall the scent from my fingers of the nasi kandar... bliss. I was smelling my fingers all the way back to the hotel :D
We had the yumyums below for dinner at the food court in Tanjong Bungah. Its not a hoity toity place and the food was great. Even the drinks and juices were nice.

This is prawn mee or "mee udang" as the locals call it. The sauce is berry berry delicious. Stormy tells me that there's a stall in Sungai Dua in Butterworth. Its famous for mee udang. And the prawns are very fresh.
This was delicious too. And the prawns are cooked just right. Not overcooked and hard.

This is fried mee udang. Just as delicious... Aiyaa.. now my tummy is growling like a bear.

Satay. We took this a bit too late. Already finished half of it.. hehehhehee

Sotong Kangkong with rojak sauce.

Rojak with lotta fruits and a thick thick sauce...

dejavuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. hehhehehehehe

here we go again... hahhahahahahaha
If Stormy didn't take pictures of the food, i won't have any pictures of food to show you. *LOL* I am such a glutton. The minute i see food, i dug in.
And we had fried kuey teow too. Delicious too and three :)
In the morning i ran across the road to buy nasi lemak from the stall in front of Holiday Inn. The stalls sells a very delicious prepacked nasi lemak for RM1.20 a pack. It has a big prawn inside the pack of nasi lemak. Only in Penang will you get a big mother of a prawn in a RM1.20 pack of nasi lemak. And some fresh fried hot chicken :) We just couldn't stop eating.. hahaha
I hope i have maybe minutely tantalize you with all this food to go to Penang :) I am sure one of my sisters will kick me soon for posting all this food pictures and make her salivate and miss Malaysian food more. Its my diabolical plan to pester her home soon with my godson.
This trip is a bit short because i didn't find the
Blue House yet. Let's go again Stormy :) Soon ya!
11 woofs:
I think I gained another 5kg just by looking at those pictures.. *drools*
One day I want to visit Penang... I must!
hahhahaha.. My silly stomach is growling like a bear... hahhaha.. its all Stormy's fault.
One day when you go to Penang.. stopover in Ipoh and lemme feed you Ipoh food first :D
And you must.. must stopover in Ipoh :D
I paling love rojack buah!!!! Yum!
Come Nessa, we go ramai ramai! Bloggers road trip! Hehehehehe
my plan is working i see... *LOL*
near my house.. at the food court... the rojak buah is very sedap too.. hehehehe.. u come laa.. i belanja yoo and Nessa :D
Bloggers road trip? abislaaa.. hahhahaa.. we will all gain 10 pounds lepas the trip :D
I think Penang serves the best nasi Kandar in the whole wide world ... well, maybe not the world la but you know what I mean ... hehehe ...
It does it does... i m still remembering the scent on my fingers.. from the nasi kandar. I think Penang serves the best food in the whole wide world.. hehhehee..
Hey you.. you go take Mrs Spiff and kiddies for holiday la.. just send Pebbles to me. I will take good care of her.
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