It is red... sometimes reddish orangey... but beautiful. It looks kinda like red apples but the skin is tough. It wears a lil crown and sometimes i think it looks like a christmas tree ornament :D
It taste differently from apples because apples makes crunchy sounds when you bite into them :) But Pom.. poms are just beautiful and full of vitamins.
We saw a couple of Poms (and not pom-pom girls) while we stopped by the fruits marketplace beside the highway. As usual, i needed to pee but before i ran off to pee... the red Poms caught my eye. My eyes must have lighted up instantly. I touched it.. and went off to pee.
When i got back into the car with yummy cups of corn... Stormy gave me my first ever Pom. A red red Pom all for myself... hehehehe.. I must have grinned wide and wider. I was like a little kid who was given her first dolly... or a girl who just got the biggest diamond.. hahahhahaa.. but diamonds never interests me. I won't know where to keep them *LOL*
Pomegranate. Pom for short.
Pomegranates are pretty expensive in Malaysia. I don't know why. One fruit costs about 6 bucks... or more or less... there. Pretty steep for just one fruit.
I do not know what are the miracles of pomegranates but a lot of people are going hoowaah hoowaah about it. You can try and google it. There's loads of stories about the red fruit that wears the crown.
The Pom speaks...

The pomegranate is native to Southwest Asia. It is widely cultivated throughout Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, India, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, the drier parts of southeast Asia, Peninsular Malaysia, the East Indies, and tropical Africa. (read more on wikipedia)
16 woofs:
I've never tried Pomegranates before.
Nigella has an ingenious way of getting the seeds out of the fruit and much faster too.
Check the video here :D
I love Pom Poms! My absolute fave fruit. OMG if mix sama yougurt...Gila sedap!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha Yeah I love Nigella. She just pukul-pukul only.
Wah, sedap ka mix with yogurt dis pom-pom?? Macam mo try la dis :)
Try, try, try! Sedap and good for you too Nessa. Tinggi anti oksidant tu dia!
I never had a Pomegranate all for myself too.. hehehe i think first time i tried it was a year back.. and it was a hassle eating it :D but i do like Pom juice. Lazy fellas always love the easy way out :)
i do think Nigella's idea is better :D thanks!
You love pompom ke the pom fruit? hehhehee.. sedop ke dengan yogurt? hmm.. mesti try cam no...
ye ye rozie.. pukul pukul is easier.. and her desert was... deeeeeeeeeeeelicious...
Nessa kita samo samo try dengan yogurt.. do u make your own yogurt? its better.. and very ez... says my kawan :D
anti oksi dan? hahhahahahhaa.. yea.. pomegranates have lotta good in it... esp juices too.. sedop :p
I've never eaten a Pomegranate, what does it taste like ah?
You all like yougurt ah? Eeewwwww!
I wonder how Pomegranate will taste with beer ... LOL!
it taste like pop rocks.. hahhahahaa.. it kinda pops and a bit of juice..
i like i like yogurt.. :D
with beer eh? u'll probably get a lot of floaters on your mug of beer.. hehehhee.. but i do think pomegranate juice is good... nice.. esp for men.. its supposed to be good for the "prostrate"
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