They are kinda in deep thought. If i can give him 10cents and he tells me everything... wouldn't that be cool? Urmm.. i don't think Dommy will tell me the secret of the universe for just 10 cents. *LOL* He is much smarter than that. Maybe after bags and bags of treats, he might just smile cheekily and say... "keep them treats rolling woman".
10 cents for your thoughts. Indulge me for a moment my little furry friend.
14 woofs:
Chop again!
Chop one more time ... hahaha!
chop apo ni?
lagik chop? hahhahahaha
chicken chop ko? sedop!
Hi Anny, my kitties have some awards for u, congrats! :)
I know what doggies think about. Eat, sleep and play ... hehehe ... well, at least that's what Pebbles does anyway ... LOL!
If he does tell you the secret of the universe for ten cents let me know cos I also will give him ten cents to know the secrets .... hehehe ...
Alamak, speaking of ten cents, I still owe that Bem fellow his ten cents prize la ... hahaha!
Morning Anny! :D
Wah, so syiok here... hujan la!
I wonder how it's like to be a dog for a day :D Then I can tell you... hehe
But 10cents only?? Keep the change la... hahaha
why the phrase 10 cents for your thots ah? not 1 dollar or 50 dollar ka...
thanks a lot for the manyak manyak awards Marzie :) kita pergi collect sekarang :D
Eat, sleep and play sajo? urmm.. what about other doggies and sun and and and... doggie love mails?
hehhehee.. eat sleep play is actually quite enough :) when ru sharing Pebbles la?
But but u still owe Bem 10 cents.. how ru going to give Dommy 10 cents for his secret to the universe? hehhehee.. but.. urmm.. he won't let out a peep even if u buy him a truckload of treats.. he is a smart fella.. :)
Morning Nessa? Hujan ko? bestnyaaaaaa.. roll back into bed and kasi tido le.. hehehhehehe
what's it like to be a dog for a day? hmmm.. i think there was a movie where the man became his dog and vice versa.. hehehehehhee..
urmm.. why only 10cents for your thots? cos.. there should be no price to share your thots.. hehhehee.. sharing will relieve the burden of heavy thots :)
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