Thank you dear Emi. You are indeed a very giving thoughtful person. Even though we didn't win the dolly, Emi is as always very kind and gave us all a gift for participating in her Big Four Zero Birthday Giveaway.

I am keeping the bears under wraps still because its so lovely. Saving one for Jai (hope he doesn't put it in his mouth). Dommy booked the green one already :)

Thanks again for the lovely bears Emi.. and for the extra green one. Was it for Dommy? hehehhehe.. thanks a lot!
17 woofs:
i so long nv join any contest...i was so busy...i wish i have little more time for myself when I get a full time job.
Working part-time is even more tiring then a full time job...I just wonder why?
Congratz. cute bear tu! U bgi Dommy habis dia makan nant... :)
Yeayyyyy!! Congrats Anny Boo...I will find u a live sun bear...they are black u know..endangered...errr..
Ok...a box of tissues from recycled paper instead!
What? Emila gave you an extra green one? It's a conspiracy I tell you! LOL!
Congrats on getting your bears ... I still think it's a conspiracy ... LOL!
wahhh... Anny sudah dapat bears! so kiut la the couple bears, the girl pakai skirt some more! :D
anxiously waiting for my bear... maybe tomoro datang. Hope Darren won't kidnap and hide it from me! LOL!
Waaa.. dah dapat ye.. si Bain semlm ada cerita menunggu 'buah tangan' dari Kak Emila... kata Bain.. esok dia dpt agaknya... Tak sabar2 dia tu .. hehe... Anyway, bear Anny mmg comel.. cute mute! keke....
hello Ken :) There will be more contests in the future.. i am sure :) Hopefully you'll have more time when you get a full-time job.
But working on part-time is sometimes good.. because you can concentrate on Living Tapestry on your spare time :D
Don't worry Yun.. Dommy won't eat the bear :D he only eats something that smells like food :)
sun bear? really? hahahaha
errr.. they are endangered.. jangan main main.. :)
ok.. i accept box of tissues le but izit with bear prints on the recycled paper?
urmm urmm.. nola.. i order the extra green one for the kids.. hahhahahaa.. gotcha there!
its not a conspiracy laaaaaaaaaa.. *lol*
yala.. the girl wear skirt punya.. manyak cute.. :)
urmm.. Darren kidnap it pon ok jugooo.. then he can give to his gf :D
yele.. saya suda dapat saya ponya bears Aki :) cutenyeeeeeeee sungguh :D Bain shud be getting his today kot.. hehhehe.. excited sangat si dia
That little bear is so cute! I want to have one :) Emila does wonderful stuff!
i'll try and get for u Duni :) Emila sure does some very wonderful stuffs.. you should check out her moleskin sketches.. they are very interesting.
waah...comel je si Dommy posing ngan green teddy! ^_^
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