If you all can remember my near disaster with last week's Fast Forward Rendang which turned into Yellow Curry... you'll be wondering why am i messing with tumeric again :D
Ahh... i am a person who never follow instructions in recipe books. I never read manuals of digital cameras... (and i have been labeled stupid once for not knowing the ins and the outs of the camera i am handling) and i am never much of a follower.
And so.. today.. we decided to drag Mr. Tumeric out again and try another dish. How wrong can i go right? How many deja vu would i encounter in a lifetime of near disaster cooking.
Today's curry... looks better with a tinge of red. Here it is.

Good luck to me and hope i don't try anymore tumeric dishes for a while or just stick to tumeric fried chicken for safer bets. *LOL*
Btw.. one of the other dishes... was a disaster. *LOL* I am too ashamed to show you the pictures here.. hehehehehehehe
This week i've been labeled Tumeric Queen. TQ very much ^.^
10 woofs:
Thanks for following Incik RestNrileks! :)
Anyway, that curry looks delicious. Red and yellow.
I like my curry a bit spicy and thick, and i can just eat my curry with plain rice or with two slices of Wholemeal Gardenia Bread. (enaknya di makan begitu sahaja, tetapi lagi enak dimakan bersama kari- Whoaho!!)
I think Ms Tomato was jealous since you and Mr. Tumeric were bonding together-gether, hence probably she decided to drop by and jump in. : )
Happy blogging ya and have a great day.
Yup! i guess i ll be lurking this blog more often in the near future. : )
Eh! no email subscription? :)
Wah Anny, not bad what that dish, making me hungry la!
To be 100% sure, why don't you posraju to me and I'll try it and let you know ... LOL!
Aiyaaa show la the other picture ... hehehe!
ollaaaaaaaaa rizal :) timokasih for dropping by here :D
the curry's not too bad today.. hehe.. berjaya jugooooo.. ingat suda kantoi lagi.. *LOL*
i like my curry not too spicy.. else i drink more water than eat curry.. hehe.. but curry with bread is supa nice..
ya.. i think the ms tomato is jeles.. so it just kinda jumped right in and joined the salsa in the pot.
u have a great day too! and btw.. i love your sketches.. i always go to look at your sketches.. they are pretty amazing!
Today's curry takde disaster sangat Spiffy.. hehehe.. it was ok ponya :D thank god!
Posraju ka? u betui betui trust posraju ka? by the time the posraju gets to u.. the package would oredi stink... hahhahahahaa
urmm.. urmm... i didn't take pic of disaster dish... it was a total disaster *LOL*
Yummynye! Nak sikit! Spicy or not? :)
Yummy jugooooooooooooo.. spicy with a tad of sweetness to it :D it was weird jugooooooooo.. hahhahahaa come come Marzie.. i kasi masak again :)
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