I promised a friend that i'll do a camwhoring session of a certain
something something sometime a while back. I had fun camwhoring it the day it arrived. But in my crazy wild mundane life of uncertainties, i totally forgot about editing it for him.
Hope i am not too late
Ken. So sorry for the delayed session of your beautiful creations.

Christmas is just around the corner...

Do go and check out
Living Tapestry. These cushions do make pretty cool Christmas pressies.
I am holding one now.. and its a very niceeee... soft... elegant... pretty looking too. Oh boy.. Dommy is eyeing my cushion again. I bet he lies on it each time i leave the room :) Goodnite folks!
18 woofs:
Hi, thanks anny for the cushion cam whoring session...LOL totally love them and definitely grab those pix later...I'm busy with my freelance stuff and computer is lagging..that is the worst thing to happen when you're rushing something ~sigh~
anyway a big thanks!!!
Nice pillow Anny! I like the simple pattern on that, tp you letak atas rumput, pokok, etc, tak kotor ke? nant ur Dommy tido gatal2 :)
happy weekend ya!
Ur welcome Ken.. sorry took a while to post the pictures :) u take care now!
nice jugo the pillow Yun :) materialnya pun baik and stylo milo jugo.. hehhehee its from Ken's Living Tapestry.
i letak atas rumput and pokok and tangkap cepat cepat cos takut jadik kotor jugo.. hehehhee.. but i like to capture it in natural surroundings.
errr.. Dommy badan gatal gatal kerana ber-rolling on rumput all the time.
happy weekend to you Yun!
waaah! nice shots Anny!
bain malam semalam ada pusing2 kat ikano wit my wife n in laws, but tak jumpa kedai ken. maybe bain x perasan kot...^_^'
It's a cushion ... I thot it was some kind of new animal species ... LOL!
Nice pillows though :D
OK I'm back to grab those nice pix...We no longer put in Puncak Alam as the respond were not really that good.
Bain..the kedai is @ P1, Ikano Power center, Same row with Uncle Lim, underground walk way to IKEA. Prob next time you go you look see look see la :)
Cam whoring? I do that all the time... haha.. tapi ambil gambar sendiri lah.. haha.. lagi teruk..
Anyway, I rasakan, kalau my mom tgk kusyen2 tuh.. mesti dia nak for herself! hehe.. mmg cantik corak2 bunga tu.. simple tapi menarik......
nice la Ken's cushion covers. macam i want to buy saja :D
nextaim pi ikano i sure go intai-intai from afar... hehe
horaaaaaaa Bain :) Bain and Myra ada jugo kat Ikano? go n see Ken at Red Envelope le.. dekat je.. its near the food place..the midsection connecting to Ikea.. :) he sure will be happy to see blogger friends around :)
i pon blom jenguk Ken yet.. each time in KL.. masa macam tak cukup.. hehehe
new animal species? hehhehehee.. you still on a joyful friday mood ya... suda abis ka the cupcakes? pos raju some laaaaaaaaaaaa
yep.. the pillows are real nice.. my niece already hijack one home the other day :D
ur back Ken.. :) oh.. i took out the puncak alam link already :) glad u like the pics.. the pics are only at 600px
Aki Aki.. lamo jugo Aki menghilang. Aki gi sembunyi kat gua lagi ka? hehehhee.. i tau Aki suka camwhoring jugo.. hahhahahaa
next time your mom datang.. take her to Ken and check out some cushions.. dia mesti suka kan :) ada banyak lagi corak yg amat menarik.. go check out the online shop :)
hey Ness.. memang cantik the cushions.. i like it very much and its my back support pillow when i work.. kurangkan sakit belakang :)
urmm.. next taim u go Ikano.. go say hi to Ken la.. hahhahaa.. jangan la intai dari jauhhhhhhhh
yes..now busy with the Christmas project, hope everyone would participate in it.
Aki: bring your mom to see la..some of them I don't reproduce it anymore, depending
Nessa: If you wanna come, do drop by during weekdays, I'll have more time to chit chat a bit la...
weekends will be busy..just come in, don't have to watch from afar ;)
ooh ok! now i oredi know d Red Envelope! so next time bain sure will drop by! ^_^ yay!
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