Dommy: But but.. i got nothing to do
Anny: Sleep. Go and catch your forty winks Dommy
Dommy: But but.. i just did.. all 40 of them.. i caught them all
Anny: Err.. go and check what grandpa is doing then. Maybe he'll give you some treats.
Dommy: But but.. i did that too while you were busy on the computer
Anny: That still don't give you any reason to lick your paws when you are bored
Dommy: But but.. i am bored. *sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* Come play with me Anny. Let's go to the park. I smell them cats in the garden.
Anny: But but... i have loads to do Dommy. I am sorry
Dommy: *sighhhhh* (falls back to sleep)
Work has been quite a lot lately. *lol* My back is aching and my butt is all warm from sitting on this chair for too long. I think i am even making an indent on this chair :D
When i am working, Dommy sleeps beside me on his bed. Sometimes he sighs out loudly to tell me he is there... hahhahahahaa The minute i tell him, let's go.. he will run very happily to the garden with a huge smile stuck on his face.
These past few days, i hear a lot more sighs from his corner (yes yes.. dogs DO sigh) hehhehehee..
Sometimes having a dog around is very good for a stress free environment. The dog sort of tells you to unwind. Sometimes they invite you to their space to turn circles on the floor and sometimes they just tell you to go check out some cats in the garden. They give you a balance when you seem to have lost that balance.
Here he goes... running out with big *WOOFs* There must be someone at the door now... hahhahaa.. his motto is "Bark First, Check Soon".
He'll go running out barking wildly.. and then quiets down and comes back in if there's nothing suspicious.. hahhahahaa.. He does take good care of this family. Now he's back on his Poäng snoozing.

18 woofs:
I hope you can work and play at the same time anny:)
meow meow! ooops i mean woof!
You are at Mariuca today dearie, thanks for advertising! :)
Dropped EC and clicked Adgi here today! ;)
What a cutie! My dog tells me to take her on walks too. It gets me out of my house and thinking more clearly after staring at my laptop all day. I hope he gets to run in the gardens today too :)
Terror nyer your doggy can sleep on a poang :D
But yeah, listen to Dommy, all work and no play makes is not good for the soul ... wah, that sounds deep la ... LOL!
I wish I could see Dommy's face or sound when he sighs :) So kiut la Dommy. I'd gladly bring him for walks... I need to lose loads of weight anyway.
You hebat la can have conversations with Dommy! I jeles!! Hehehe
I do i do work and play at the same time on the computer YoonSee.. hehhehee.. The play part on the computer is editting things :D dun worry.. i always find a balance from curly moo :)
hope ur feeling better today!
meow meow pon accepted Marzie.. this is a dog/cat friendly site :D
yep! i am finally at Maurica today :) i'll save some EC to be at Meow Diaries soon!
i dun know why i cannot leave comment on Maurica (i tried for many days).. hahhahaa.. by the way.. i love the pic of you and B at Shinjuku.. you both spell LOVE :)
Welcome to my blog Meghann :) i love Arwen's pics.. esp the ones beside the big white machine :D
Don't worry.. Dommy does get to go to the garden many times a day.. he rolls and runs laps in the garden.. it is all his :D
hahaha.. he does he does.. he is even sleeping on it now :) cos it goes poang poang poang when he jumps on it :)
i have much to learn from Dom.. that i know.
err.. u dooo sound berry deep.. hehehe
i'll try and record it with dad's camera.. just for auntie Nessa.. it just happens quickly.. ;)
He loves walks.. i bet he'll love you too.
Err.. i spend quite a lot of time with him... i talk to him all the time.. hahhahaa.. i m beginning to guess what his replies too.. hehhehee.. i need a life! hahaha..
You can but I can't....
But it's OK.
Happy weekends:)
You can too YoonSee... Happy Weekends to you too!
hehe so cute!! i love his motto!
his motto actually works.. hahhahahaa.. spook people first.. so they will stay away and less of a job for him to do ;)
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