Today... i was up early and this fella was still a snooooooozing away. I took dad's camera and shoot away. I got closer and tiptoe another inch closer. It open one eye and checked me out. Since i was frozen like a statue, it close its eye again.. hehhehehehe
I felt like i was playing one of my past childhood game with it. I've forgotten what the game was called.. but you kinda got to freeze up each time the person in front turns around till u get to him/her and tap him/her on the shoulder and kinda run like crazy after that. *LOL*
Do you find cats and the dogs paw facinating? I love the shape of it. My model was kind enough to share its paw with me. It even turn it around for me to check it out :D I am always checking Dom's paw when he is sleeping or playing. Sometimes he doesn't let me hold his paw longer.
When i went in to get some biscuits to reward my model, it quickly ran away. Guess i startled it when i forgot to go slowly.. hehehe
I found another free model today :) I forgot to check whether its a male/female... but its always around. It has PR status here. I'll check again tomorrow or i'll ask Dom.
21 woofs:
I don't know why but I like to see sleeping cats, they look cute heheh. But then again I'm a cat lover. I have like 7-8 different "models" as well. They like just visiting my home.
By the way, great pic Anny :D
meaning that, the cat has been dreaming for months! :) mimpi sampai Anny shoot gambar dia pun, dia x sedar :)
cats & dogs seem to be sleeping all the time jugo.. hehehhe.. u have 7-8 models in ur home? banyaknya... u got catnip in the garden izit? *wink*
tks Bem!
dreaming for months ka? lamo jugo si dia tido la ni.. hehehe
dia sedar actually.. but this time.. dia jinak sikit.. i manage to go a wee bit closer :)
Anny, kasi HDR itu kucing. kasi nampak detail bulu2nya! :)
Yeah, love those soft, but firm paws... like pillows :D
Banyak kucing Bem... kalah Marzie... hehe
Haha... bain dengan HDRnya. Dah abis exam ke??
kasi HDR ko? hehhee.. nanti ah.. saya kasi HDR penuh :)
i dare not touch this kucing's paw.. hehehee.. never awake the sleeping tiger :D
I have loads of cats here at my place and they all think my house is a pet hotel. They just walk in and lounge around the hall when no one is downstairs ... LOL!
In fact, I've named all the cats that hang around my backyard oredi ... hehehe!
Anny: Hahaha I think la got catnip la probably
Bain: Hahahah HDR saja
Nessa: Yeah, tapi semua melawat je... mana boleh lawan anak2 Marzie
Spiff: Looks like we have the same pet hotel aura hahaha.
hahahaha... one cat did come in once.. and walked casually into the kitchen.. and then Dom chased the living daylights outta him.. hahhahahahaa.. now they dun come in.. but they make the garden theirs :)
ur house pet hotel ka? can i send Dom there?
u named them too? i named a few.. hahahahhaa.. and even Ken named the cats in his garden.. hehhehehee
Ha! ur drugging them cats i see.. and making them REAL happy :)
err.. i am planting catnips too.. i wanna have happy cats :D
I name one cat la, my sis named him, chichocha is the name hehehe.
Happy ke trippy cats Anny hahaha
chichocha? biar betui.. hahhahahaa.. if u try to call it very fast.. it might go..
err.. ahchi ah cho... charrrrrrr
my catnips are still in envelope... seedlings.. hahhahaa.. saya kan pemalas bergardening.. i better plant it soon.. Stormy's coming home soon :D
Ya la Bem, these cats just come and go like as if they own the place and they're so domesticated that they're not even scared of me!
Then again, nobody is scared of me to begin with ... LOL!
Ya, I have names for all of them. Tiger Junior, Whitey, Whitey Junior, Devil woman, etc ... LOL!
wah... so many named :D but cats are ez.. they just mind their own business and dun hassle anyone :)
Its been nearly 4 months since I bartered body and soul to get catnip seeds (hard to get in KL) and Anny haven't even planted them yet! Oh nooo..poor cats..
Next time I'm gonna get her plastic catnips ;p
i love u too
catnips ^_^
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