Top EC Kings & Queens
Spiffy, The SpaceYolk... err.. The Spaceman
Thank you for all your diligent drops :)
To the rest of EC droppers, thank you for all your drops & visits too.
Drop us a Woof @piper.oon@gmail.com
Top EC Kings & Queens
Spiffy, The SpaceYolk... err.. The Spaceman
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39 woofs:
WAHHHHHHHHHH!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! I totally didn't expect this... fuyoooohh!!! *Bangga tahap maksima*
hahahahahhaa.. today i very free laaaaa.. *LOL* but thanks for all ur drops :)
AIYOOOOOOOO! Why so nice one for Nessa? Macam win formula one la ... LOL!
But I'm happy that my name is before Bem ... hehehe ... Just kidding Bem.
We should all give Nessa the *Stare*
wei.. u both staying in the same house or what? how come same reaction.. hahahhahahahaha
err.. today i quite free.. and lazy to do my work ma.. hahhahaa
aiyaa.. nevermind laa.. i did the stripe geng thingy for both u and Bemy oredi :) soon i come up with a rerun of Stripey Geng.
Still looking at my avatar on dat green thingy... syiok oh... macam I've been conferred a Datukship saja!
Spiff is just jeles... and copycat some more! :P
hahahhahahahaa.. if i knew u guys wud be happy.. i'll do it every mth :)
i'll let u bask some more.. i won't post anything anymore till tmrw :D
Spiff jeles ka? nebermind laa.. he's a jolly fella.. he's never jeles... i'll go come up with a rerun of his Stripe Geng for him.. then he'll be happy :D
Wah!!! So grand some more! Hehehehe Congrats Nessa!
Hahahaha Jangan jealous Spiffy! I know you know kerja, but still cannot beat Nessa! Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Hahahaha Nenekship maybe lah Ness! :P
Hhahaha Spiff, You didn't get this one either hahahahah
Spiff, we shall see next month!
Ciss Rozella... I may be old but nenek I am not! LOL!!!
Rozella, it'll take a miracle and a half to beat Nessa la! LOL!
Bem - Yeah, another top EC lost to Kak Kuih Topi ... siggghhh ... but I displaced you at Emila's ... muahahaha!
Nessa, memang I jeles! LOL!
Itu la Rozella, I think this is the Grandest looking top EC Award. I think it's a conspiracy between those two tag team gals.
Bem, back me up here ... hehehe ...
Wah Spiff, bragging about your win against me and ask for my backup somemore! hahahahahah
Nenekship polak Rozella.. jeles jugo laaa si dia.. hahhahahahaa
Spiff & Bemy.. both ur drops were quite close.. :D
But nessa's drops were wayyyyyyyy ahead.. hahhahahahaa wayyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead
dun be jeles le Spiffy... at least now i know Nessa got a berry fast line :) and i got crummy streamyx.. aiyaaa.. we might all need to get P1 from Spiffy if we all want to beat Nessa...
err.. grandest ka? ok laa.. u make it to top.. and i'll give u a granderer one la Spiff (if i am free la) hahhahahahaa
Bem.. dun back him up... just stare him down.. hahhahahaha.. stare him stare him..
You read dat??? Anny said I'm wayyyyyyyyyy ahead!! Now, catch me if you can! LOL!
just a wayyyyyyyyy ahead.. hahhahahaa.. ya.. Nessa is tough to catch... cos she's a serious dropper... seriously :D
Errr, still no new post yet? ;)
woof! So happy to see 2 of my blogs here, must get mariuca on the list now! :):):)
Thanks for the linky love sweetie, off to drop more cards now! :)
naw.. still no new posts yet :) i let u bask longer in glory :D like Spiffy says.. its all a conspiracy *wink*
Thanks for all your drops Marzie... :D you have a nice holiday ya! hope u come back chirping happily.. take more photos for us to see :)
Betul! Very the grand! June punya you make like Ms. Universe lah! Hehehehe I'm sure Spiff would lurve to have that one!
Nessa - Age is nothing but a number loh! ;)
Congrats to all!
For someone who is on the comp the longest with nothing to do...lambat juga you update. Hehehe
Quick, quick! But let me or Nessa know first! Cannot have that Spiff dude making FC!
We wan new post! We wan new post! Hahaha...
Sori... no pressure ya. Just making some noise in the morning. Hope I didn't wake the whole neighborhood!
*joining Nessa in the picket line*
Wah Rozella, komploting over here now, ah? LOL!
U three.. crack me up! hahhahahahaa... thanks for dropping by Rozie, Nessa & Yolk :) Will be back to counter attack next week :D
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