Brandy came for a visit this morning in my mailbox :) Its been a while since i saw this pretty girl. The last time i saw her, she dragged me up and down a hill while chasing birds along the way.. hahhahahahaa.. She is a whole lot of fun and full of drool too.
Sis wanted to bring her back last weekend to bring some big yellow and hearty laughs to me. But i am really at a busy period these days since its almost the end of the year. If Brandy came, i would probably be running in the garden with her or rolling on the grass trying to take her pictures again.
She is pretty photogenic and quite a good poser :) She can sit still for a long time while you take her pictures. But she is energy abundance. Taking her for a walk was like dislocating all your limbs.. hahhahahahha
She is more behaved as she is older now. Almost to 1 or just turned 1. But still playful as usual and with a big pretty smile. Maybe we'll invite her back for Christmas :) I'll have a whole week off then. More to spend with the yellow.
Both sis and i call her Kuning :) She is a big yellow. Isn't she beautiful?
Somebody ~ Depeche Mode
Song for someone in love and someone looking for love too :) Hope you all enjoy this song as much as i do :) Have a great day ahead.
Thank you dear Emi. You are indeed a very giving thoughtful person. Even though we didn't win the dolly, Emi is as always very kind and gave us all a gift for participating in her Big Four Zero Birthday Giveaway.

Thanks again for the lovely bears Emi.. and for the extra green one. Was it for Dommy? hehehhehe.. thanks a lot!
Hope i am not too late Ken. So sorry for the delayed session of your beautiful creations.

I am holding one now.. and its a very niceeee... soft... elegant... pretty looking too. Oh boy.. Dommy is eyeing my cushion again. I bet he lies on it each time i leave the room :) Goodnite folks!

That's the collection of a snooooooooozzzing woof on a rainy Friday. He snooze and snooooooooze and kept on snoozing. Maybe he's getting a bit old... or bored. Maybe i should get him another woofy friend.
He's quite a light sleeper compared to me. The slightest sound and his ears will start to twitch... then he'll open one of his eyes to check... (opening of two eyes are for louder sounds). If its not something important or dangerous, he'll close that one eye and sleep. hehhehehehe
If he hears something loud or sniff something suspicious.. he'll run out like a mad dog from this room and secure the house with the loudest bark. An intruder will be scared or probably run if they hear such loud barkings. They do not know that behind the door is just a small curly. But never test your luck with a small doggies. Their bite could be as bad as their bark.
He's quite protective of us. Boy, Grandpa and me. Especially me since i am the only girl in the house.. hahahahhahaa... He guards me like a security guard. When i walk out of the house to the back lane to take out the trash.. he'll run the full length of the garden and keep a lookout... just in case i get into any trouble.
When i am out in the garden, he'll stay with me there or sit by the door and wait till i come in. Else he'll just wait there in case i need his help.. hehhehehee.. such a loving buddy.
Today we had quite a big thunderstorm here. The electricity tripped at 4.30 pm. I nearly blew another router today.. hehehhehehe.. The thuderstorms were loud.. very loud. The main switches tripped about 10 times. Being a corner house, it is quite dangerous when a big storm is out there. Especially thunder. Sometimes they can come in. Once it did come in through the kitchen and blew up the slow cooker.
When it rains or when there's thunder, do pull out the phone line from your router or modem. I blew about 2 routers.. and a few modems already. The thunder comes in through the phone lines and just blast the modem up. Burnt.
Even though it rained so much today, its still quite warm. Think i'll take a break now and go be a tv addict for the night. Have a great weekend folks :)
Someone is having a very Joyful Friday.
Sometimes... you have a roadblock. And then... *beep* You've Got Mail! :)
Emails from the office are fillers for my otherwise pretty mundane life. Usually they send me funnies... other times its about parties they are going to have in the office and the food that will be available to tempt me on the next train to KL... hahahaa.. (Yes.. i miss the office life most of the times when its chocolate cake & food that is involved..)
When i have a lotta work, i am pretty much occupied till... urmm.. till the owls go hoot hoot in Nessa's house (very nice decals Ness!) When i have lotta work, i usually sleep like a big log with a mighty chainsaw sawing right through it till the morning. Yes.. i snore... sometimes when i am really tired. *LOL*
A very funny thing happen to me this morning. I was taking money out from the ATM. When it came to punching in the password code... suddenly i went blank. Zlitch. I stared blankly at the screen and completely forgot my code. hahhahahahhaaa... I only use this ATM card and the codes been the same for yearrrrrrrsssss... and i can't remember it. My mind was a total blank. Even an echoooo sounded in there :)
Ok.. i think i am seriously losing my memory slowly. I better start writing more on my notebooks :D Just in case my mind goes blank one day... i still have my memories in a notebook. But someone just might need to read it to me then.
For safety purposes... i better write my pin code number here... just in case i forget again. Someone from my blogging world can remind me then. Its... urmm.. err.. DANG! I have completely forgotten my code. I might just need to go to the bank and ask them for a new code soon.
In the meantime, i'll just live off my dad's pension and use up all his money while my money accumulates in the bank and becomes big one day :)
Naw! I am not that kind of person la.. hahhahahhaaa.. Gotcha there! My siblings would probably kill me if i live off my dad's pension. I did remember my pin after a good 3 mins. I have to start writing down things. I am committing too many codes, numbers and letters to memory.
If i lose my memory one day, remember to tell me that i was a Boo :D
If you all can remember my near disaster with last week's Fast Forward Rendang which turned into Yellow Curry... you'll be wondering why am i messing with tumeric again :D
Ahh... i am a person who never follow instructions in recipe books. I never read manuals of digital cameras... (and i have been labeled stupid once for not knowing the ins and the outs of the camera i am handling) and i am never much of a follower.
And so.. today.. we decided to drag Mr. Tumeric out again and try another dish. How wrong can i go right? How many deja vu would i encounter in a lifetime of near disaster cooking.
Today's curry... looks better with a tinge of red. Here it is.

Good luck to me and hope i don't try anymore tumeric dishes for a while or just stick to tumeric fried chicken for safer bets. *LOL*
Btw.. one of the other dishes... was a disaster. *LOL* I am too ashamed to show you the pictures here.. hehehehehehehe
This week i've been labeled Tumeric Queen. TQ very much ^.^
Have A Little Faith In Me ~ Bon Jovi
I kinda like this version by Bon Jovi. Jewel's version is not too bad either.

We were also preparing this room for Jai's return in January :) I bet Jai will love me more than Dommy because i am about Jai's size and i am as cute as Jai too.

Now i have gone back to Kuala Lumpur with mommy and the kids. But i did packed all of Dommy's frozen foodies home. They are deelicious. Yum yummmmmmm... Bet he didn't know that :)

Then she went shoooooOOOoooOOOO. Dang! All the birds flew away :( Such a party pooper.
Dom and i went back into the house. I gave him a few biscuits and some fresh water. And crawled back into bed. Dommy came back into the room to nudge me on my knee. Oh ya. I forgot to give him his treat.. *LOL* Such a good memory he has. He usually have a treat and few biscuits for breakfast.
After his treat and biscuits.. he went back to snooze as well. hahhahaha
After my encounter with the birds this morning, i spent the evening doing some twit twits myself too. These birds are kinda tiresome and time consuming... i could almost hear some birds chirping and a few flying in a circle above me now.
Someone was telling me about Guerilla Marketing and i was going what Gorilla? Only marketing i know is marketing at the wet markets to get my grubs for dinner ^.^ I guess too many chirping of birds just get you all woozy and boozy.
Ahh.. tomorrow urmm.. today is already a better day. Half of the office will be away for Diwali and i'll be less ambushed... hopefully :)
Maybe both Dommy and i will wake up early again tomorrow to catch the birds again. Goodnite folks :) Have a great weekend ahead! TGIF!
1 – Write a blog post, “I want Emila’s cute handmade dolly because…” in not more than 50 words. You are welcome to write in Bahasa Malaysia as well. Saya suka!
2 – Link to this post
3 – Post your link in my comment box and you’ll get a link back in this post.
4 – There’s no number 4; write now and tell me how bad you want it!
Contest opens to all bloggers (local + international). Closing date will be on 12.30 midnight, 21st October (the exact time and date of my birth) 2009. While you’re at it, a birthday wish might add bigger chance for you to win.
If you love to own/win this dolly, jump right over to her side and enter now :)I want Emila’s cute handmade dolly because it is a one of its kind Made In Malaysia dolly by Emila Yusof which deserves a little girl named Bella. Bella is small kid who is always with a big smile and kindness in her heart. She radiates love wherever she goes. She usually pukes on car rides and hangs lil pink bags on her ears. *lol* She is one of a kind too.. just like this Little Red & Green Ridinghood :)
That's quite a good explanation of what rendang is from Wikipedia. Thank you wiki.
Yesterday we went to Tescos to do some groceries. Somehow we were going to run out of some stuffs and last weekend... we were lazy to go. Going to Tescos means i don't need to cook dinner.. hehehhehee.. well.. that was my diabolical plan too. We ate at the food court.. the foods not all that bad. Urmm.. i kinda like the Tomyam soup there.
Going to Tescos was also to get outta the house and enjoy some free aircon.. hahahhahaha.. Poor Dommy couldn't go. And also to let Boy practise his driving. We got quite a lot of stuffs to stock up. We were like squirrels stocking up for winter. Dad got a new toothbrush and Boy got some swanky "big man smell" shower foam. He don't wanna smell like a Johnson baby anymore. *lol* I think both were quite happy after that.
I bought some sliced beef too and decide to cook it today. This whole day while working.. i was thinking what to do with the beef. I don't really cook beef except corned beef. So i was kinda thinking what to do with it.
Then walla... i found this.

I snip open the package... (before reading the instructions) at 6pm. hehehhehee
Then i was reading the instructions and was going.. urmm.. i don't have coconut milk.. tumeric leaf.. nop.. i don't have that... kerisik (grated, toasted, grounded coconut paste).. urmm.. never bought that before... and some other leaf. But hey.. i have lemon grass.. and urmm.. i have tumeric.. and ginger.. and lots of shallots and garlic.. *LOL*
So i thought.. how wrong can this go rite?
First i filled up the pot with water and bring to boil.. drop the spices from the supa maggi pack in.. urmm.. smells good :) I didn't have coconut milk... so i mix 2 big spoons of milk powder with some water and added to the pot. Then i plonk all the beef in and.. and smashed some lemon grass in and bring it to boil. In the process.. i added shallots.. a big knob of ginger.. and garlic.. and my yellow tumeric friend. (wrong choice) *LOL*
Since i didn't have tumeric leaf... i took some parsley leaf and lemon leaf from the garden.. :)
They were all dancing very happily in the pot until.. i realise they have achieved a yellow tinge while dancing too close with the tumeric. Urmm... nevermind. Then i added a wee bit of salt.. and then tasted it.. hmmm.. then i remembered stormy mentioned last time about some sugar.. so i added some sugar... then it went a wee bit sweet.. so i added a wee bit more salt.. hehehhee..
I still have quite a bit of liquids in the pot and it was getting close to 7pm... and dad is getting hungry. Alamak. Matilaaa.. I tasted it again.. and it was berry spicy.. i imagine i have smoke coming outta my ears. So i figured a little bit more milk will sorta thicken the sauce and make it less spicy and be easy to the tummy. A little bit more milk went it.. and more dancing and more yellow tinge.. hahahhahahahaha
Here's the end product.

this is Boy and my favourite
(we had bits of kiwi on it the last time.. it was tangy and weird.. hahhahahaha)

1) Read instructions first
2) Don't cook it if u don't have all the ingredients
3) Don't simply plonk yellow tumeric into pots of rendang
4) Tumeric leaf and tumeric is different
5) Cook earlier because rendang takes a while to cook and for all the liquids to dissapear
The good thing from this fast forward rendang was... dad really enjoyed it. He was grinning from ear to ear because i called it rendang even though it was yellow.. hahahahhaa.. And he had 2 servings of rice. I am lucky because my dad and Boy hardly complains about my cooking now. Even though sometimes i come up with craps. hehehehhehe
Tomorrow i will cook them a proper dinner with less adventures.
Now i really have to cook rendang the correct way with Stormy's recipe. And this time, i'll do it the original way. God help me. If i succeed.. i'll post the recipe here :)
My Favourite Mistake ~ Sheryl Crow
This song seems kinda apt now :) Goodnite folks ^.^

Well... there's goes our Sunday. Monday is already breathing down our necks.. *LOL* Dommy is so lucky cos every day is a Sunday for him. His quality of life is so much better. Maybe i should reexamine my quality of life and see if i can improve on it.
:) Goodnite!
A section in the Options caught my eye today because it was about the pink thing. What pink thing if you may ask? Well.. its little... its flimsy... and its pink.. sometimes in other different shades. It comes in white or green too... and a cyan or black and yellow. But these little pink things are different.
Over in my country, we can't seem to get enough of these pink things. They are everywhere. Everywhere.
I went to the wet market this morning to get some stuffs for next week. Guess how many pink things i collected. And mind you.. they were all pink except for one. It was a transparent white. *LOL* Before you scream at me to stop talking about them pink things.. let me tell you what the pink thing is all about.
First.. i went to buy some bottle beans and ladies finger... the lady promptly dropped them all into a small pink thing and gave it to me. Then i went to the magazine stand to collect my magazine.. i told my nice friend there to roll it up. Each time i ask her to roll a magazine up, she'll give me a horrified look... and said.. you wanna roll this nice magazine up? Then i said.. ya.. roll it up.. and put rubber band la. Then she said.. do u want a pink thing to put the rolled up magazine... hahhahahaa.. I said.. no no.. no pink thing.. that's why i ask u to roll it up. hehhehee
Then i went to buy some chicken from chicken seller who chops everything nicely for me.. (yes.. i am a lazy bum.. i don't chop chicken very well) I usually get all my chicken all chopped up nicely.. and packed for the freezer in little packs. He promptly plops all the chopped chicken into a pink thing.. and tie it.. and put it in another pink thing cos he says the chicken juice will all drip into my recycle bag if he put it in one bag only. Then i said.. ok.. thank you very much for being thoughtful.
Then i went to the jasmine flower lady to buy a string of jasmine for mom. She rolls a ball of newspaper and rolled the string of jasmine over the ball of paper and promptly plops it into a white thing (the only white one i got today). Next i went to buy some tomatoes and carrots... the fridge here always have tomatoes and carrots because you never know when you want to make a ABC chicken soup. Tomatoes and carrots went into a pink thing too. I was beginning to get really worried with all the pink things i have collected in my recycle Giant bag... hahahhaaa
I bought a pineapple that promptly went into a pink thing too. I bought a weekend paper and the lady gave me a very big pink THING. And then it was the drystuffs shop.. i bought some shallots.. and potatoes and barley... and eggs. The eggs were just sitting on a layer of newspaper in a small individual pink thing. .. (but one egg was broken when it got home.. cos it was squashed between the potatoes and onions).. hhahahahhaa Oh ya.. and barley.. barley was in measured and plonk into a very small pink thing too.
The only seller in the market that don't give you a pink thing is an old man with his wife. He usually wraps the vegetables in newspapers and tie it with a pink raffia string. Urmm.. ok.. there's still some kinda pink too.
The amount of pink + one white that i collected on just one weekend market trip is too much... i even have a very worried look on my face carrying all the pinks.. hahhahahahahhaa..
How do you do your marketing without these people giving you little pink things? Maybe i should bring a basket next time... and cut some pinks except for the wet fishes and chicken.
Every little thing you buy, you are given a little pink thing. Even bread... its already in a bread bag but they still give you a pink thing to carry your bread from the shop to the car.. hhahahahaa. Our fingers are so used to the little pink things hanging on our fingers while we swing it and walk happily away. We so love the little pink things that Malaysia is so overwhelmed with the little pink things.
Our landfills are full of the little pink things. Fishes are getting trapped in the little pink things that people just throw happily into the rivers when the little pink things have finished serving its purpose. If you are driving on the highway, sometimes you see little pink things flying to you at your windscreen. *LOL* And sometimes, when lorry drivers carry dangerous stuffs that are sticking out of their lorry.. be it timber or long pipes, you will find a pink thing hanging at the end of the timber or pipes.. waving merrily away at us. Well.. it is suppose to replace some red flag to warn you not to drive too close. How the little pink things are suppose to save our lives.. that i am not too sure.
What do you do with your little pink things after you bring it home? Seriously.. i think i have to cutback on my acceptance of the pink things. It really serves no purpose for me to be carrying a recycle bag to carry pink things which are not really biodegradable.
Little pink things should just probably remain as something worn on the inside and not something that pollutes our little childrens future.
Feelings ~ Morris Albert
A wonderful old song which brings back many many wonderful memories of yesteryears :) I love the monotone images of the animals in this compilation that i found on youtube a while ago. Such lovey dovey images.. Enjoy!

The drawing above is by my sweet blogger friend Yoon See from Greener Pastures. Dommy was so delighted to see a drawing done specially for him and dedicated to him. He was going.. "Even Anny never draw anything for me. You are a lazy bum Anny" Woof! Dommy sends his love and thanks to you Yoon See.
Thanks a lot for the many lovely drawings that you sent my way last week. I love them all. I love the Smart Dommy picture most. I will treasure it for a very long time.
Yoon See is a great pianist and an artist. You can hear her play Wonderful Tonight on her blog. I love her paintings and drawings because they spell playful and friendly and loads of happiness. Her strokes are free.. and not rigid or confined. The colors are what makes her drawings very special. She is also a very kind person and who is ever so generous in leaving good comments for us on our blogs. Sometimes she takes lots of pictures of sights and things she sees along her way and share them all with us in her blogs.
She is a wonderful person and i am so glad to have her as my friend. Hope to meet up with her one day soon. Do visit her blog Greener Pastures and be inspired.
Thanks again for all the lovely drawings and gifts Yoon See. And Dommy said Woof!

They are kinda in deep thought. If i can give him 10cents and he tells me everything... wouldn't that be cool? Urmm.. i don't think Dommy will tell me the secret of the universe for just 10 cents. *LOL* He is much smarter than that. Maybe after bags and bags of treats, he might just smile cheekily and say... "keep them treats rolling woman".
10 cents for your thoughts. Indulge me for a moment my little furry friend.
Greener Pastures
Spiff, The Spaceman
Anything Goes!
Duck and Wheel With String
Animal Kingdom
Sader's Pet Pix
Congrats to our beloved meow friends Benji, Chubbs & Phoebe for making it tops this month. You can read more about the three cute fluffies of Marzie's at Meow Diaries.
They are celebrating their 100th post today. Congrats to you Marzie! Looking forward to more meow stories of your fluffies. :)

Home On The Range
Its been a month ++ since both my dad and my sister last talked.. *LOL* This cold war is like going to go on forever. I wonder when they will be talking again. Maybe Christmas will bring them back again... hopefully. Maybe if mom was still around, this won't be happening.
On another note, i think i won't want to talk to any of my sisters till urmm.. urmm.. till the cold war is over. I create a new solo war. My war will be called.. No Speaking War.
"Home on the Range" is the state song of Kansas. Dr. Brewster M. Higley originally wrote the words in a poem called "My Western Home" in the early 1870s in Smith County, Kansas. The poem was first published in a December 1873 issue of the Smith County Pioneer under the title "Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Roam." (read more on Wikipedia)
I Can See Clearly Now ~ Johnny Nash
Early yesterday morning, Anny said let's go. I was so happy and leap into her car and off we went on a car-rideeeeeeee. We went for a long car ride all the way to the place near the mountains. Suddenly i felt we were going on a familiar route. Oh oh.. no time to run. I am stuck.
I begin to tremble.. and have a pretty worried face. Anny reassured me that we are not going to Dr. Teo the vet. We are just going next door to Lovely Pet Care for my grooming. I refuse to come down from the car.. and skipped over to the driver seat when Anny open the door on passenger seat. You see.. i am smart. When she went to the driver seat door.. i skip back to the passenger seat. Woof! I am a smart doggie.. but not for long. Cos she manage to get me out anyways and carried me to grooming shop.
Its been a while since i came here. My last groom was in Kuala Lumpur with Piper's groomer the day before Dogathon. Even though i like this pretty lady groomer, i still don't like grooming and i don't like other people to bathe me except Anny or grandpa. But in this place, i do meet a lot of other poodles too. Its a pretty friendly place and we have all my other doggie friends running all over the shop. I sat with Anny on the couch while waiting for someone to take me awayyyyyyyyyyyy... Anny left me after that.
This time my grooming was very fast. I was the first doggie to be groomed and i was done in about 2 hours. They called Anny to come pick me up and i didn't have to wait very long. I was almost dozing off when Anny peeked into my crate and called me. I was so happy to see her, i just jumped on her and licked her face. She is always happy to see me too. She gave me a drink of water in the car and we went on home to see grandpa.
Grandpa says i look cute and dashing. He says i can finally see clearer now. I feel few pounds lighter too. I didn't know all the curls and fur were that heavy. Hopefully now i get less dry grass on me when Anny let's me out to roll in my garden.
Here's me in my before and after pic. Can you see my eyes... and nose... and and my mouth clearer now?
Dom having his afternoon rollabout.. *LOL* He sometimes forgets he is a curly... the dry grass always gets tangled and hidden in his curly mass of fur.
Dommy loves the sun. He loves the garden and the sun. And he loves to roll on the grass in the hot sun most. Usually after all the roll around, we both have to sit on the porch and remove the dry grass. Today he manage to run faster and sneak into the house before i can catch him to remove the grass. He's now with a very happy cheeky smile plastered on his face and a whole lotta dry grass on his body. He is still grinning from his hiding place under the bed... hahhahahaa
You can imagine the amount and bits of leaves and grass and sand he brings in from the garden. I should probably get him some shoes *LOL* And tell him to wear the shoes if he's going to go walk in the sandy part of the garden. But hey! He's only a doggie... they love to be free.
I think he has gained quite a bit of weight lately.. do u think so? Too much snacking with grandpa i guess. Or maybe he's due for his grooming session. It would be nice to see his eyes again :D