Mummy sent me off for boarding at this new place yesterday. When i reached there in the late evening, it was all dark and cold. All the other doggies are fast asleep. Good thing Mummy remembered to bring my Pikachu along. My Pikachu will take care of me.
Anny's been trying to check the online cctv but she only drew blanks yesterday night. Today she tried again and still cannot see a thing. Finally she got through and saw some images. But all she saw was some goldies playing around and my Pikachu on top of our room. She didn't see me.
I'm gonna stand in front of the camera tomorrow so that Anny can see me tomorrow. I wonder which camera should i stand in front of. Maybe i'm too small to be caught on the camera. The lights are out at 8pm. All doggies have to sleep and keep quiet.
I made some friends today. Mummy called to check on me and they told her that i am disturbing some female doggies here. I am innocent.. innocent i tell you. *wOOOOoof* Well.. a doggies gotta make some friends rite?
I hope mummy and daddy comes back home soon. I am beginning to miss them and my home. I think the next door doggie could be wondering where i went. He usually calls out to me.
12 woofs:
LOL @ piper disturbing female doggies! I say charm 'em, Piper! :D
be a good doggie ya. your mommy & daddy will come fetch you soon with loads of treats! if don have, you bite Anny's leg... heeeheee
ya... tats what the guy told sis. Mebbe we shud ask Spiffy to send Pebbles over.. i m sure Piper would be smitten forever.
Anny's leg is too big for Piper's small mouth la.. how la to bite.. kakkakakakkakakaa
Wahhhh so cute and fluffy la this picture, i love! Meow meow!! oooops I mean woof woof!! :)
Woof! Have FUN! They will be back soon! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Aiyaaa, send him to me la! I can take care of him. Besides Pebbles would probably have a blast with him around. So, what time is he coming over, ah? LOL!
Disturbing female dogs, huh? Attaboy Piper ... LOL!
Oh you poor thing. Maybe you will meet some more friends. Mom and Dad will be there soon to take you home. And just think about all those pretty girls you get to watch.
hahahahhaa...meow meow pulak Marzie ni.. kelakornya.. hhahahahahaa..
Thanks Sugar.. Mummy's coming home tomorrow.. i can go homeeeeeeeeeeeee.. yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Aiyaa.. u mana ada masa jaga si Piper
Mrs Spiff will have too much on her plate if there's another shitzu around.. hahahaha.. and two kiddies too. But Pebbles will surely have a blast with him :)
yala Spiff.. Piper is disturbing female doggies.
actually.. this fella manyak handsome.. and he knows it.. so he prasan a bit la.. hahaha.. he's quite flamboyant and stuckup too.. *LOL*
hello Marg.. mummy's coming to pick me tomorrow... yehoooooooOOOOO.. i am going home *woof* i did meet some pretty damsels.
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