Have a blissful fluffy Christmas friends! Happy Fluffyyyyyy Friday :) *woooooooooooof*
Share your fluffy friends with us every Friday! Whether it's a favourite stuffed toy or an adorable pet - basically anything fluffy, we'd love to see your pictures! Leave ONLY the POST URL here and grab the Fluffy Friday badge at Meow Diaries. All links are reserved STRICTLY for Fluffy Friday participants and any unrelated links will be deleted.

12 woofs:
Anny tukar header ke?? :)
Ohhhhh u have 3 doggies, im always confused... but so cute la the three of them at the header, esp Dommy, muka blur! :)
This pic is so fluffy I couldn't make it out at first... and then I saw the nose, woof woof! :):):)
Happy Fluffy Friday woofies and enjoy ur holiday today Anny! :)
So fast u edi in the Christmas mood eh... maybe we can see ur doggies in Christmas costumes next FF woo hoo! :):):)
I'd love to dress Phoebe up in a Christmas costume but she's so small that most of the baju cannot fit her!
Now that is what I would call Fluffy ... LOL!
Nice pix, I like the Xmas tree in the background too, so ngam with this picture :D
Ye.. semangat tukar header for Christmas.. hehhehee
We have 2 doggies and a temp Kuning :) u should be confused.. cos i confuse people allllllll the time.. hahhahahaha.. i take pleasure in confusing people :)
Dommy memang muka blur.. hahahha
Dommy might look blur up there.. but he is the smartest and oldest fella among the three of them :)
He's best taken when he sleeps... cos he looks angelic like a lil baby
Happy Fluffy Friday to you too Marzie & B... njoy your holidays ye!
Doggies in christmas costume? hhehehe.. i'll try.. but next week i'm on the road dah.. :) mebbe if i can find internet..
Ikano Pet Safari has those really small bajus for doggies & meows.. last time we bought one too small for si Piper.. he can't even put his head thru.. *LOL*
He's quite a fluff ball.. and he hasn't gone for grooming too cos we want him to look handsome for christmas pictures.. hehehhehee
yea.. u notice the tree eh? yup.. its up finally!
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