Piper wanted to join
Auntie Marzie's
Fluffy Friday too. This is Piper when he was 3. He was pretty fluffy then. It takes a good one hour to blow-dry him after his bath. It was pretty exhausting.. *LOL*
Piper is wondering when Pebbles gonna come over to play...
Share your fluffy friends with us every Friday! Whether it's a favourite stuffed toy or an adorable pet - basically anything fluffy, we'd love to see your pictures! Leave ONLY the POST URL here and grab the Fluffy Friday badge at Meow Diaries. All links are reserved STRICTLY for Fluffy Friday participants and any unrelated links will be deleted.

11 woofs:
Wow, Piper looks so well groomed unlike me! I'm really going to bite that spaceman now! LOL!
How to come over and play when that spaceman is so afraid to let me even go outside ... hehehe!
Aiyo so cute la, I came here then see Piper posing like a statue like dat, woofies!!!
Wah 3 years old still looks small kan? And Piper is still fluffy now! I just love fluffy dogs and cats, mcm stuffed toy! :):):)
I agree with Pebbles... you do look very well-groomed in this pic... I cannot take pics of my cats for now cause they too are in dire need of grooming like Pebbles... now macam hantu! A fluffy hantu hehehehehe! :)
Thanks so much for playing this week too Anny, happy Fluffy Friday to you and your kids! :):)
hehhehe.. groomed ko? this is when he just woke up or something.. hahhahaa.. lookit his eyes.. like half awake.. and blur as usual.
now u go bite the Spiffy ya... and make it the behind.. *LOL*
there is a reason why he don't let u go outside.. so u won't get all itchy and scratchy from fleas & ticks... urmm.. but a lil sun and a good walk is good sometimes.. whisper into his ears when he is sleeping.. he will surely take u out when he awakes :D
*LOL* Most of the time.. people do mistake him for a toy or statue.. he dun move much... hhahahaa.. lazy lil fella.. but when he runs.. his feet hardly touch the ground.. try chasing him la
he's 5 now.. this was taken when he was 3. He's a toy breed.. so he's small.. hehehhehee
Piper's mommy takes him for grooming every 2 weeks.. else he'll get all tangled up and matted hair is very painful.
But he goes every 2 weeks because it is cheaper to sign up for a plan.
Ur most welcome Marzie! And i do love this Fluffy Friday.. give it a run of 2 mths.. and you'll have lotta fluffies joining soon!
oh wow!!! cute cute cute.. i love you piper!! heheh..meow!!
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