Before i forget about this again... here's Piper, Dommy & me giving great thanks to our top droppers and all droppers too for November. Thanks a lotta lotta for dropping by to comment and view our humble site.
November Top EC Droppers.. tadaaaaaaa!

Mumblings (phweeeet!)
Meow Diaries
A Rose By Name Learns
Sugar The Golden Retriever
Greener Pastures
Cat Lovers Site
Duck and Wheel With String
House of Book
Anything Goes!

Mumblings (phweeeet!)
Meow Diaries
A Rose By Name Learns
Sugar The Golden Retriever
Greener Pastures
Cat Lovers Site
Duck and Wheel With String
House of Book
Anything Goes!
A little bit about Nessa's Mumblings
Nessa is a Sabahan currently working and living in KL. Her blog is a mix of everything; sometimes it's sweet, sour, salty and other times never bland. She is a very nice lady who can be silly and funny too. A wonderful mother and daughter. She is someone whom i would like to meet up for a cuppa one day :)
Do visit her other two sites. They are a wee bit different from Mumblings and from here.. you will get to see the other side of Nessa ;) this is about the recipes she keeps and love this is about things that are pretty to her
Nessa is a Sabahan currently working and living in KL. Her blog is a mix of everything; sometimes it's sweet, sour, salty and other times never bland. She is a very nice lady who can be silly and funny too. A wonderful mother and daughter. She is someone whom i would like to meet up for a cuppa one day :)
Do visit her other two sites. They are a wee bit different from Mumblings and from here.. you will get to see the other side of Nessa ;) this is about the recipes she keeps and love this is about things that are pretty to her
horaits! Thanks again from the deep bottom of my heart... and from Dommy's heart... and and Piper's heart too :)
16 woofs:
What? I didn't make the list? Even that useless Nick fellow just made it and I didn't?
It's a conspiracy I tell you! LOL!
Congrats Nessa :D
*Stares at Nessa*
you mean nessa and me, right? for the cuppa?
lol nick, it's a conspiracy!
Thanks for the shout out, pally!
WAHHHHHHHHHH!! *hidung kembang*
Anny, a cuppa tak cukup tau... nak satu gelen and lotsa kueh and cupcakes and ciskek and... and... :P
Congrats to eberibodi too.. Spaceman tak dapat! Muahahaha!
Thanks Anny, this is reali sweet of you. Thanks to Dommy and Piper and Kuning too!!
wahahhahahaha...Spaceman Spiff not free laa in November to drop.. nevermind la.. let Nessa be top :D
Nick made it.. almost tertinggal.. hehehehhe
no conspiracy laaa i tell u.. *LOL*
Ness.. go sharpen your nails.. and kasi kautim Spiffy :)
yep.. Nessa.. u and Yoonsee :)
u too Emi? its not a conspiracy laaa.... aduhai..
Sure thing Lin.. thanks a lot for dropping by :)
hidung kembang ko? hhahahaha.. it was a tight race between u and marzie... very tight..
satu gelen ribena bole.. hahahhaa.. cupcakes are a must.. ciskek too? wahhh.. manyak jugo makanan.. abis laa kita nanti
congrats to u Ness! i lupa to mention Kuning pulak.. hahahhaaa
Congrats to Nessa and all that make it to the top ten.
What, I also in?!
Thanks for your kind words anny, you are such a great friend!
Congrats to Nessa and all participated blogger :)
Aiyoooo Pheebs dropped to number 2, meow meow! COngrats Nessa! :)
Congratulations to everyone that made that best commenter list. Our staff is going to have to work a little harder.
yep yep.. you made it into top ten too YoonSee :) congrats to u! hey.. take care of urself ya.
timokasih si Yun ^.^
Pheebs almost made it Marzie :D almost.. :)
hi Marg... this is the top ten listing for Entrecard Droppers :) not for commenting.. but thanks for dropping by today.
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