We began our day pretty early today. Both Boy and i left the house at 7am. Both Dommy and PP went back to sleep. We reached his college at 7.30. We made good time. The roads are kind to us today. We have to keep up with this timing to avoid the early morning massive jams.

I figured we can do this. Sleep early and get up early. I could do with a early morning drive to get out for a while. Maybe i'll drop by my office tomorrow.

Checked out a new market which i am not quite familiar with. I somehow like wet markets more compared to hypermarkets. The people seem friendly enough. Prices are not too steep too. Most of them speak to me in Mandarin. All i did was just nod and nod away. *LOL* I can understand a little bit of mandarin. My sister's kids have taught me.

My niece used to speak only in Mandarin. We sure had a hard time conversing then as i only know so much and so few words. She used to ask me questions and i'll ask her the same question back. She was little then.

Today we are going to have burnt roast chicken ala boo for dinner. Some garlic toast. A big blob of mashed potatoes. And brown gravy. Here's our almost burnt dinner. hehehhehee.. Its been a while since i use an oven again. Enjoy :)

burnt chicken ala boo

mashed potatoes ala carrots

brown gravy ala too brown

piper ala blurr

That's about all our dinner (piper not included). Have a wonderful evening everyone :)

If anyone would want our recipe for burnt chicken ala boo... please leave a comment here :D We would be most happy to teach you how to burn chicken.. very fast :p

Peaceful Easy Feeling ~ The Eagles

We went on the road again last Saturday :) Our car was filled to the brim with Boy's things and some of mine. Dommy just had a red bag with all his food stuffs and treats (i forgot to take his bedding). All this "on the road" trips is really tiring. We have been going up and down these past few weeks. Even my old car is complaining of weakness.

Boy's finally registered in a college to do his foundation. We all decided he should not do Form 6 and go through a whole of hell, pressure and stress. Its tough to be a kid nowadays. Education here is very much measured on excellence. You have to be the best or the best and nothing but the best.

Education should be changed and concentrate more on building kids to be more all-rounded and not turning them into robots through rote learning. Parents are just more concerned about how many As their kids are getting. It is of course not quite healthy learning. But.. i am not a mother/parent. What do i know. I should reserve my comments to myself.

Boy came here with mixed feelings. I am sure he's quite afraid of leaving the comforts of home. Home where he's been staying for the last 17 years. He's always been with my parents... his grandparents. When he was born, he was automatically sent to my parents as his parents were working in another state and a bit young to care for a small baby. The years just went by and in way he stayed behind with my parents and got used to life in Ipoh.

Parents shouldn't worry too much if their child is loved especially by grandparents. Its a different kind of love. Our hearts are able to take quite a lot of love. The bond between a mother and their child is always there. No one can take away that bond between them. The mother carried the child for the whole 9 months. The bond is already created when the baby is in their womb.

Here i am now. Looking at some green swaying plants in front of my window now. I am like a nomad. I keep moving.. *LOL* I brought my work with me and settling in my sister's house for the time being. When Boy is more settled and ok, i'll be on the road again back home.

Its really kind of peaceful here. There's the peaceful easy feeling which i am not quite used to yet. I have been running around like a headless chicken for the past 3 years. It is almost surreal to be so easy and peaceful. It might get a tad too boring after a while.

Ops! 2pm already. Time to get back to work.

Oh ya! Congrats to Emila Yusof for being the grand prize winner of Blog4FT . She has worked very hard the past year and just came back from the children's book fair in Bologna, Italy. Hard work always pays off in the end. Congrats to you Emi!
Its 7pm now and its raining. Yipppppeeeeeeeeeee! Finally. Some rain to cool down the house and water the plants :) It has been extremely warm in the afternoons today. The heat is almost suffocating. I pity those that has to work outdoors in the heat. I should count my blessings.

Since we are going on the road soon, i haven't been cooking. A wonderful excuse not to cook :p There's just Boy and i. So a quick meal outside is much easier. I hate leftovers. Especially leftovers that are stored in the fridge and forgotten. Its wasteful.

There's someone i know that loves to cook. He'll usually take pictures of what he cooks and sends them to me.. *LOL* I do miss his cooking a lot. He does do a mean chili crabs. I used to eat tons of rice with that chili crabs. The pungent smell of the crabs on my fingers are savoured for many hours even after i washed my hands. It is finger licking good! Kind of like KFC but much much better.

Since its raining and i can't go out to eat yet... and Boy's dozing away... i'll just look at some of his food pictures and hopefully make my hunger go away. At least for the time being.

I think i got much more hungrier after looking at these pictures. *LOL* I think i'll go move next door to him and hopefully get dishes passed over. I envy his housemates now.

The rain has kinda subsided a bit. I think we better go out for a bite now. My tummy is growling like a grizzly. Hope you enjoy the views above :) Whatever that's good should be shared ;)

Comfortable ~ John Mayer

This is one of my favourites from John Mayer. I love songs that are simple. I love things to be simple. I get comfortable easily. My love is comfortable ;)

Life is sometimes quite simple. Some people will rock your boats and make life tough for you and even for themselves. I am not quite impressed with people like that. I will stay far far away from them.

People sometimes assume that i am distant and hard to reach. My closest friends know better :) Difficult people are just so exhausting. A simple thing can be blown out of proportion. A minute matter can be a major problem.

Sometimes we should assume less and just go outside to take a good look inside :) Everything will fall into places then.

Just collecting my thoughts :)
Last weekend, my sister, her baby and my dad flew back home. Since she had to carry her child (Jaiboo) and take care of my dad, we requested for ground assistance to help her along the way.

We arranged for ground assistance a few days before they flew and when we were checking in their bags at the counters, the ground assistance staff came over. She was extremely courteous and nice. She told sis to go to a certain counter at the required time and she will guide them all the way to the plane.

When it was time to go, as usual, we flood the airport a little and a few last minute photo taking. We do take a lot of photos in this family (thank God for digital cameras).

A young man from the ground assistance crew was patient and waited for us to say our goodbyes. He automatically took my sister's handluggage and said that he'll help her with that. He was a nice chap who guide them to immigration and took them all the way to the gates and into the plane.

I am proud to say that we do have a world class airport here in Malaysia. With world class service. Kudos to the ground assistance staff of KLIA.

When they got to Heathrow, it was a different story altogether. A ground assistance staff met them in the plane. When they gathered their things, the man just walked ahead. He didn't attempt to help them with the hand luggage. My sister struggled to carry her child and carry her bag. Along the way, the man mentioned that he does not help with baggage at the baggage claim area.

Sometimes, if you are in the service line, it goes a long way to show some initiative. Even if its out of your job scope to help people with their baggage at baggage claim areas. People will always remember you if you helped them. They are always thankful if you go the extra mile.

Maybe the guy had a bad day. Maybe they were not allowed to help with baggage claim. Maybe he didn't feel that it was his job to help with baggage claim or even to help a struggling mother carrying a baby with her bag.

My dad is almost 70. Surely he cannot drag a bag out of the conveyor belt. Thank God for good samaritans in fellow travellers.

When a person request for ground assistance, they are either senior citizens or minors travelling on their own. Sometimes they are disabled people or people with babies. If a person can do without assistance, they would not ask for help.

I am glad our airports in Malaysia is friendlier and world class. Our service staff is with world class attitude. Malaysia mesti Boleh!
Spooooooooookyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy picture eh? Wicked! *LOL*

My feet has suffered a lot. Its usually dry.. hahahahaha.. i am a lazy bugger. I am too lazy for creams. And creams do make you slip and slide. Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooosh! Usually i wear socks even when i am at home. It saves them from getting nicked or bumped.

I think i have two left feet. I surely can't dance very well. My feet keep knocking on chairs or walls or things that are not even in my way... so surely the only explanation is TWO LEFT FEET. I should probably take good care of them feet. They have served me well and taken me everywhere. I'll go buy them some intense hydrating cream tomorrow and hope i don't slip and slide too much :D That is if i don't get too lazy.

My feet is green in the above picture because...
  1. I've been playing in the garden too often and too long till my feet turn green.
  2. I have jealous feet.
  3. People have green fingers, i have green toes.
  4. It just turned green on St Patrick's day. (How come no one reminded me about the booze... i mean urmm.. St Patrick's Day)
  5. I GO GREEN on most days.
  6. Incredible Hulk is my best friend.
  7. Urmm.. i do have horrible feet *LOL*
  8. Why am i showing my toes here on this post. I must be running out of things to write about.
  9. My feet have to turn green to go with the flip-flops which were green.
  10. Whose slippers are these anyways.. *LOL*
Okay.. its a wee bit late at night. My mind usually think about the weirdest things at these hours. Boy and i just finished some documentations for some scholarships. There are tons of things to fill up if you want to get some avenues to help you get some dough for college. Hopefully he gets something to help his parents tide off some of his tuition fees.

Boy just got his SPM results and he did very well. We are so proud of him. I am sure mom is grinning up in heaven. She would have been smiling non-stop for days if she were here. Hardwork pays in the end.

He's going off to college soon. My journey with him takes a turn now. He'll be off to making new friends, finding out new things, growing up... falling in love... and enjoying some freedom. I am sure he will enjoy his journey. My only wish is for him to be happy. Always.

Ahhh.. life changes. Life goes on. I'm turning pink tomorrow :) Watch out world!
Yes... i decided that today is a good time to write again. Well.. not exactly write but kind of give this blog an update else... urmm.. i'll LOSE MY RANKINGS! Not that i have any rankings in the first place *LOL* And not that i mind anyway.

Anyways... its been a week since i last posted something i received from the internet (yea.. i get lazy sometimes). I've been lying low as i was kind of busy clearing some work and helping sis get ready to go home. My sister, our lil Jaiboo and my dad flew off last weekend. Jaiboo is safe and sound back home with his dad who have missed him tremendously while Jai was here dancing to every sound that sounded like music.

I have a million thoughts in my head now. (not exactly a million.. hahhahaa..but that's how women think most of the time i think... yes.. think... thinking TOO MUCH) Oh.. this is a wonderful picture of how a woman's mind works. *LOL* I got it from my friends too. Guys will have a great laugh and yes.. we women have to take it with a pinch of salt :) It goes something like this...

Have you ever wondered how a woman's brain works?
Well... it's finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:

Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done,
a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.

A man has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts.

Hopefully i don't offend anyone by the picture above. Well.. it did crack me up :)

We are going through some changes at the moment here at home. Changes are good. We learn to embrace changes with open arms. I don't really mind changes :) Things have to move on. We don't want to stay in a rut and be forever stuck in a safe environment.

I must be confusing all of you quite a bit. And that makes me a woman with a very happy active mind. *LOL* I'll try to post more in the next few days. We are going on the road again soon.

Dommy's all packed and ready to go. I just need to give him a shower first. *LOL*

Let me collect some of my thoughts and share it with you all later.
A handbook of sorts came from a friend in the email today. Since i am a bit woozy or woozed out to even post about anything... here's something to share with all of you.



1.    Drink plenty of water.
2.    Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3.    Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4.    Live with the 3 E's -- Energy,  Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5.    Make time for prayer.
6.    Play more games.
7.    Read more books than you did in 2009.
8.    Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9     Sleep for 7 hours.
10.  Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk,  smile.


11.  Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12.  Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13.  Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14.  Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15.  Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16.  Dream more while you are awake.
17.  Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18.  Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19.  Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20.  Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21.  No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22.  Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.   Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23.  Smile and laugh more.
24.  You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25.  Call your family often.
26.  Each day give something good to others.
27.  Forgive everyone for everything.
28.  Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29.  Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30.  What other people think of you is none of your business.
31.  Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.


32.  Do the right thing!
33.  Always speak the truth even if it leads to your death.
34.  GOD heals everything.
35.  However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36.  No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37.  The best is yet to come.
38.  When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39.  Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:

40.  Pass it on :)
There's something which this little guy really likes. He loves car rides. He loves to look out of the window and see the world wooooooooosh past. He loves the wind on his face. (but don't try blowing on his face with your breath.. he doesn't quite like that.. *LOL*)

On long car rides, both Dommy and Piper will sleep when the car is moving. The minute the car slows down or stops, both of them will sit up straight and have the "i wanna pee" look on their face.

Piper would be very anxious to get down when he is almost reaching home. He can smell home a mile away. He'll start barking at your ears till the car reaches home. I am quite immune to all his excited barks and can almost switch off.

I remember the first time sis and i took him to the vet when Piper was a puppy. We put him in the dog carrier and put the dog carrier in the backseat. I sat with him at the back and sis drove. He was so carsick he puked in the dog carrier *LOL*

I don't know whether its my sister's driving or he was claustrophobic in the dog carrier. Sis and i being first time dog owners after a very long time even put 2 biscuits in the dog carrier because we were worried he'll get bored or hungry while we took him to the vet. Little did we know that we should not feed them any food before we get on the car or while driving or immediately after we reach home. Dogs do get carsick too.

Now that Piper is much older, he is quite good in the car. He doesn't get carsick anymore... or maybe he still does because he always doze off.

The dog carrier was only used once and it has now become a decorative item in the storeroom.

Oh ya... Piper's coming home this weekend. Curly would be so happy to have his little brother home again.
My non-existence lately... my apologies to my fellow bloggers for not visiting much. I've been overwhelmed here.. *LOL* with a lil one who's constantly like a super bunny.. crawling in a fast forward speed... or tumbling over and trying to walk a few steps.

Sis and i both look like scarecrows now. Urmm.. literally. We have dark panda eyes.. and sleep is indeed a pleasure when the head gets to rest even if the pillow is as hard as a rock.

I thought i'll fatten sis up a bit when she's back here for a holiday. But heck no. She's losing more weight here because of the heat... and the sweat. *LOL* I bet she can't wait to go back home to the cool and cold.

One year of taking care of her child with her hubby with no other help seems to take a toll on both of them. I guess they have not slept much since the lil one arrived. But the joy and happiness he brings is of course worth it all even when sleep eludes them.

The heat is taking a toll on us here. The house is like an oven in the afternoons. I bet you can even fry an egg on the porch. Its getting warmer and warmer as days goes by and soon.. we'll just dry up like prunes or ikan bilis. Urmm.. that's a bit of dramatics that goes on in my head all the time. Its the heat.

Jaiboo is sick. Dad is sick. Dommy threw up some yellow stuffs this morning. I kinda sorta going to be sick. Sis is white faced... and Boy.. i told him to drink and drink water like no tomorrow. We cannot have another sick one at home.

Hope both of them will be well soon. They will be travelling in less than 2 weeks time. Dommy is alright now. Snoring away and chasing cats in his dreams.. hehhehee.. He has a love for chasing cats in the garden. He doesn't know he can't climb trees and cats can.

These past few days have been quite taxing. Thank god we have aunts bringing aloe vera drinks... some boiled brown drinks... and lotta food. We are so blessed to have family around.

At one point... i was actually so tired from doing the chores.. i just crawled into bed and play dead.. *LOL* I am quite good at playing dead. Sometimes i retreat to my secret hiding place/the hole to hide out too to have some quiet time to rest.

I have a menu running in my head constantly on what to do first and what to boil next.. hahhahaha.. it was crazy. Its like a mental tick-off list in my head. But things are looking up :) I am sure everyone's getting better now. Even Jaiboo. Once he has his bottle of milk... he's like a recharged bunny.. hahahhaa

Today he said "hiiiiiiiiiii" to Dommy.. hahhahaa He only knows Dommy. When you ask him where's grandpa.. he'll point at something but never grandpa... and where's mommy.. he'll point at something else but never the mommy. (i think he's just playing us) But when you ask him where's Dommy.. he'll always points out Dommy correctly. He's always babbling to Dommy. I wonder if Dommy understands him.

gosh i'm gonna miss him so.
My family and i went for a photoshoot for our family album a few weeks back. Both PP and i were also invited for the photoshoot which made us both very happy. We were well-behaved for the whole shoot and i sure had a great time walking all over the studio. I had this grin on my face the whole time.

Here's a sneak peek of one of the shots :) Ain't i fluffy? Tiffany did a good job of making me very fluffy. I went for a wash and groom the day before the shoot. She always makes me handsome.

Happy Fluffy Friday everyone :)


Share your fluffy friends with us every Friday! Whether it's a favourite stuffed toy or an adorable pet - basically anything fluffy, we'd love to see your pictures & stories! Leave ONLY the POST URL here and grab the Fluffy Friday badge at Meow Diaries. Any unrelated links will be deleted.


Since the little one arrived, she forgot all about me. Most of the time, she is busy cuddling or playing with the kid who keeps pointing at me and babble away.

She still remembers to feed me but no more tummy rubs. She doesn't roll on the floor with me now like we used to in the hot afternoons. She's always carrying the little one here and there and sometimes when she's at the computer, she has the little one on her lap. Even i don't get to sit on her lap :(

I know Piper did... I have seen her holding Piper in her arms when she is at the computer but not me. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. am i third class citizen now.

I know i am a bigger dog.. but i deserve all the cuddles and tummy rubs too. I look at her and stayed with her each time she works in her room. I always return to base, that is beside her everytime i go out to take a leak. I never abandon her. Even though grandpa's room is cooler in the afternoons, i never once leave her to work on her own. I sat by her and watch her work.

Now with the little one around, her attention span on me has waned tremendously. Don't i the Curly deserves her undivided attention like always? Don't i the Curly one deserves her time.

I did have a lack of appetite because of the lack of attention. I even wanted to take a leave of absence and go back with Piper to his mommy's home but i'll never abandon her. I am usually lazing on air on my poang in the afternoons but i always kept an eye open to keep her company. Lu Orang Ah will never understand. I am lacking in affection. Its not like what it used to be anymore.

But i have a big heart. All Curlys do have big hearts. I forgive her. The little one is very important to her. Her time with the little one is precious. I know i'll have her back when the little one leaves soon. My lack of Anny will dissapear in a few weeks time. She will be all mine again and we'll be back to rolling on cold floors on warm afternoons.

Congrats to you Auntie Nessa... for guessing it correctly. LOA stands for Lack Of Attention. The teenagers in her life tells her lots of things in abbreviations. *LOL* I am just a dog. I don't know what abbreviations are. Its too long a word to remember anyways.

Thank you too to Auntie Marzie for your time and we had fun distracting you on a Monday :) Thanks Uncle Spiffy.. Lu Orang Ah... aiyaaaaa.. apa niii..

Well goodnite people. Hopefully i'll get a bigger treat tomorrow because i can see from her eyes that she is feeling very guilty for neglecting me lately.

till then. *woof*

Here's our winner for the LOA contest.


Nessa's also blogs on Recipes I Luv and So Pwetty!

For being quite close.. and for distracting her too much on a Monday, its only fair to give her some credit for trying :)


Marzie also blogs on Meow Diaries and Maurica's Perfume Gallery

I had lots of fun reading all the comments. Thanks a lot for humouring me on a Monday.

The End Of A Rainbow ~ Earl Grant

Its been a while since i last posted a song. Its is extremely warm here in the afternoon and people are falling sick all over because of the heat.

Kinda stumbled on this song. It is calming and nice to listen to on a very warm day. Like any soppy love song. Here's the lyrics below if you wanna sing along to it :) Happy Tuesday to all :)

At the end of a rainbow
You'll find a pot of gold
At the end of a story
You'll find it's all been told
But our love has a treasure
Our hearts can always spend
And it has a story
Without any end

At the end of a river
The water stops its flow
At the end of a highway
There's no place you can go

But just tell me you love me
And you are only mine
And our love will go on
Till the end of time

At the end of a river
The water stops its flow
At the end of a highway
There's no place you can go

But just tell me you love me
And you are only mine
And our love will go on
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

My life has taken a sudden turn lately. Since Jai came home few weeks ago, our lives have changed in a good way. I now spend less time on the computer and more time with people.

When i open my eyes, there's things to do before he wakes up. His mommy and i scurried around like mice hurriedly to eat and have a drink before he opens his eyes. When he opens his eyes.. thats when the day kicks off.. hahahhahahahaha

When he opens his eyes.. he has his bottle of milk and rejuvenate himself. His batteries recharged and walla... his day has begun.

It is a blessing to have an extended family. Our cousin lent us her child's walker... and an aunt brought her son's booster seat over.

The baby walker is pretty dangerous too. He seem to run very fast when he's in the walker. It can tip over i am sure. Try chasing him when he's in a walker. Our house here is not exactly a big house to run around.. hhahahaha.. there are many hazards and big furniture around.

The booster seat is a life saviour. We have the old baby chair. That didn't seem to work for this worm cos he quickly climbed out of it and stood up when you tried to feed him. *LOL* He is fast. Very fast especially after he has his milk (milk=energy=batteries). With the booster chair.. he is strap down safely with a buckle and a tray to hold his food and toys.

He started putting playing cards in his mouth and showing us he has a card in his mouth. After his game of cards in the cot recently, now the cards have become all mushy and soiled with his saliva. We have now ban the pack of cards from his cot.

I got him a small drum the other day... and he was beating on it nicely at first. The next day he sat on the drum and now his drum is with a dent *LOL*

But i love to cook his porridge everyday. We put a lot of stuffs in it. Today we put rice, lentils, tomato, potato, carrot, cauliflower, watercress vegetable. All in little portions so that he'll have a bit of everything in his meal. Sometimes we steam him a small portion of fish or chicken.

He loves to eat papaya, oranges and bananas. I got to find him some other new fruit to eat tomorrow. He eats quite a bit for a small guy.. hahhahhaa.. and poos a lot too. *LOL*

Ahhh.. today he joined the ranks of the kids in the house... and got his height recorded on the wall.

Its really nice to have a little one to run our lives here. Even though its tiring especially for his mom but the smile/smirk on his face is always priceless.

Everyday is a special day for us these few weeks. Its joyful and very entertaining to have him here. I wonder how it will be for us when its time for him to go home. I guess there'll be big floods at the airport again. Anyways, i have only a few very little weeks left with him. I shall blog less and spend more time with the little one.

Urmm.. Dommy's been LOA lately. The first person who can guess what LOA stands for will get a link here :) Only one guess as usual.. hehheheee... yes.. i am wicked.

LOA = Lack Of Attention

Goodnight :) I've gotta sleep earlier now else i won't have much energy to help my sister tomorrow to chase after our worm.