Here's a sneak peek of one of the shots :) Ain't i fluffy? Tiffany did a good job of making me very fluffy. I went for a wash and groom the day before the shoot. She always makes me handsome.
Happy Fluffy Friday everyone :)
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20 woofs:
woof woof Dommy! :
Happy Fluffy Friday Dommy, thanks for playing dis week cutie pie, woof woof! :)
Aiyoooo of coz u look fluffy Dommy, no denying that hahaha, some curly wurly ur fur...and then luminous pink like dat, ur so cute!
Wah, Dommy looks so handsome la. You sure you don't want to send him over here? LOL!
Happy Fluffy Friday auntie Anny :D
I'll even get that spaceman to pay for the air conditioned taxi ... hahaha!
meow meowwwww Phoebe :D
betu betu fluffy ka Aunty Marzie? luminous pink too? wooof woof! thanks auntie Marzie :D
Happy Fluffy days to you too Marzie.. hope you are having a great day today! woof!
really? handsome? wahhhhhh.. now Piper's gonna be mad at me... for being handsomer than him.. WOOOOOOooF!
Its wayyyyyyyy too hot here to travel anywhere.. i am hiding under the bed most of the days.. its super cooling down there.. if only these humans know...
didya say air conditioned taxi? woooooooooooooooo... mebbe i'll just go over to your place Pebbles.. since Anny don't have any time for me nowadays.. :(
Happy Fluffy days to you too Pebbles!
You are very fluffy and quite handsome. But don't tell Duke I said so, he tends to get quite jealous.
alalalalal so cute in red!!!! big hugs!
wahhh... fotoshoot some more! so glemer la... hehe
i bet you gave them your handsomest pose ya.
ps. tell Anny to show off her foto la, c'mon la... please la ;)
thanks Ann! i won't tell Duke but Duke is super adorable.
thanks Emi! *hugsss* bologna here you gooooooooooooo...
takle glamer sangat Auntie Ness :) since Jai is back.. we decide to take family album :)
i did give my best smile that day :D
ps.. anny says.. nanti takut kena tembak oleh u kalu show her photo.. hahahhahahahaha
Wah handsome lah with all that red kerchief... ehhehe.. i want to photoshoot my furkids also!
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