Here's what my friends from the office emailed to me bright and early yesterday to kick-start my Monday. Thanks Sumeeeeee :) Hope it will help you get through the week as it has got me thru my Monday with just a few bruises :D
urmm.. i do not know who to credit these pictures to but credit goes to whomever that owns the pictures. No hard feelings ya :) We all just need a few more laughs in our lives.

The email ended with this...
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, love with true love, laugh without control and always keep smiling."
Goodnite people.
14 woofs:
"...always keep smiling" Bain setuju sesangat ni ^_^
yang penting itu memang important :D is to smile :) sramoooooot page si Bain.
Ooohh! Barbie looks just like me... or I look just like Barbie! :D
d pregnant barbie...siap punya idea ni? brilliant ^_^
You look like Barbie pulak.. hehehhee.. tats Barbie when she's 50.. still looks good la for a 50 yr old :D
aiyaaa.. Barbie bukan pregnant la Bain.. hehehehe.. most women do add on a bit when they grow older.
bukan saya ponya idea.. it was just emailed to me :D
Pregnen Barbie???! ROTFLMAO!
LOL! A fat Barbie, now that is more realistic la ...
Bain is farnee Ness..hahahahhaa.. Bain and the pregnen Barbie
A more full-bodied Barbie is more realistic for kids :D not fat la Spiffy..
ye ke Anny? hehe...but pregnant Barbie pun ok wat? heheeeee....^_^'
Selamat Hari Raya Anny! :)
this is super cool...just love the barbie...LOL
btw do you think you can take pix of the pillow that u received n email me :)
the pillow should be reaching soon as a client from JB received his.
is it? wowwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... i will wait for the postman every single day.. :D thanks a lot Ken.. and i will surely do a post on the pillows when they are here...
u like Barbie eh? you are Ken ma... hehehehehe
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