The amount of time i spend with these two and taking pictures of them while they snooze... is enough to let me know that.. their noses are pretty cool.
A dog's nose is as important to them as our eyes is to us. Their nose picks up everything. From the air, the ground, from things... from your clothes.. they know where you've been just by sniffing and checking you out when you come back from somewhere. They'll even know if you've been, seen or touch another doggie *LOL*
Piper is kinda like a tiny Sherlock Holmes. Even though his nose is smaller, the moment he sees someone walks in, he'll run over and give the thorough check-thru. Kinda like the metal detector at the airports.. hahhahahahaha... You have to stay still while he sniffs you for a good few minutes. *LOL* He'll check you from legs to hands to clothes until he is satisfied. Then he gives you the pass to move ahead.
Their sense of smell is a million times more sensitive than a human's nose.
"A dog’s nose also has lots of mucous inside. If unfolded and spread out, the surface area of the dog’s nasal membranes would be about the size of a handkerchief. The surface area of a human’s nasal membranes comparison would be about the size of a postage stamp." (quote from an article by Barbara Baird on a Dog's Nose)
Their noses sure knows :)
8 woofs:
Aw! I'm such a sucker for extreme close-ups. Great pictures! :)
Yeah, I know what you mean. Pebbles can smell food a mile a way and when I get home she'll always spot check me by smelling me first ... LOL!
hahahhaa.. i am too :D thanks for dropping by Dorian ;)
i think Shitzus love to spot-check.. hehehhee.. Piper is a supa supa checker.. :D when ru sending Pebbles to me laa
Annyboo, you still not giving up on trying to get Pebbles, huh? LOL!
My dad used to tease my nose when I was a kid. He said it looks like a fish nose! Yelah, dah la tak mancung, kecik pulak... :(
Of coursh Spiff... we try and try until we get it :D send laa Pebbles sehari dua... urmm.. Pebbles and Piper do make a pretty handsome pair :)
hahahhaha.. fish nose ko? hehehhe.. takpo takpo.. not muncung pon takpe.. at least your nose is kecik.. my nose is besorrrrrrrrrrr.. its a family inheritance.. *LOL*
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