Dommy's favourite sounds of the hour are... plastic bags... or ziplock bags... or opening of the food cover.. or.. the dragging of the dining hall chairs. He will know that someone's eating or munching something and he wants a share too.
Even when he's fast asleep... the slightest sound of plastic bags would awake him *LOL* Such a hungry creature.
Everyone's been commenting that he's a bit heavy too. Time for a diet. He cannot afford to get too fat... his legs will not be able to support his body weight. But he looks healthier now... don't you think?
Maybe i should take him to the vet and let him have his say :)
8 woofs:
He does look healthier from the rump anyways...and his bark is worse than his bite! LOL
Woof! Lovely PHOTO ... I'm on a diet too. Can't tell if you need it ... you look great from the back. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
His bark is sure worse than his bite... hahahahaa.. but dun test him :)
Ur on a diet too? oh boy.. and we both love food.. :)
thanks for dropping by Sugar!
lotta woofs!
LOL! Pebbles pun sama la. Even when I start the microwave she will come running and sit there and stare at me with those puppy dog eyes! And I won't even talk about the sounds of plastic bags being opened ... LOL!
hahhahaa.. i think most doggies love food.. and they have those sad puppy dog eyes.. how la to resist.. abis now he's overweight.
Pebbles overweight jugo? abiss abiss
Come on curly,
Let s together-gether go on a diet too. LoL.
Macam blakie, kalau beli makanan selalu kena beli lebih, kalau tak nanti masa makan kena PAU dengan blackie. Haha
Curly memang suda start diet.. makanannya suda dikurangkan.. siannya selalu lapar.. hehhehee
nanti Rizal postlaaa gambar Blackie kat RnR ye :)
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