Its the season of giving. Everyone are usually extra generous when Christmas is near. And that includes my friend Ken from Life's Tapestry. He is giving a beautiful giveaway which he painted it himself. Its a beautiful tealight holder.
I am sure he has spent a long time painting it and given a lot of thought into coming up with this beautiful gift.
And all he asks for in return is a true life story.
here are his simple rules.
1. Since it is call "Season To Give", just write me a story, telling me the best gift you have ever received and base on your true story.
2. Post your entry at your blog and link it back to this post in Tapestry.
3. International entries are allowed too.
4. One entry per person.
5. Contest runs from now till 20th December 2008
6. The winner will be announce between 21st/22nd December 2008.
7. The winner entry will be selected by me (Ken) base on the best story (the ones that makes me cry, you know what I mean) that have been submitted.
8. Leave a comment here to state that you have fulfilled the requirements and I'll drop by your blog to read it.
I am sure he has spent a long time painting it and given a lot of thought into coming up with this beautiful gift.
And all he asks for in return is a true life story.
here are his simple rules.
1. Since it is call "Season To Give", just write me a story, telling me the best gift you have ever received and base on your true story.
2. Post your entry at your blog and link it back to this post in Tapestry.
3. International entries are allowed too.
4. One entry per person.
5. Contest runs from now till 20th December 2008
6. The winner will be announce between 21st/22nd December 2008.
7. The winner entry will be selected by me (Ken) base on the best story (the ones that makes me cry, you know what I mean) that have been submitted.
8. Leave a comment here to state that you have fulfilled the requirements and I'll drop by your blog to read it.
Hope you all will join me too and send a story. Its not so much about winning. But its more about sharing this Christmas. Share your story with Ken.
here's mine.
The Best Gift I ever got.. is from Mummy.
I am at the stage in my life where i've kinda ALMOST been there done that. And that is why I don't really care about material things. Usually i am quite happy just running around doing my things and drive around town in my banged up car. Not so banged up.. hehe... but a old blue one.
When mom left us last year, she took with her a big chunk of me. I am hollowed out and on most days.. thots just run in my head. Thots of my mom and her love. I'll think i'll never be the same again. Suddenly i have to grow up and do my own things without a mom to call anymore for advise.
I am those kind that calls my mom for the silliest things. Even though i know how to make a pot of coffee, each time i make a pot.. i will still run to her and ask her again. How many spoons of sugar.. how much coffee. Each time i wanted to boil rice for dinner, i still run with the pot of rice, water dripping and all.. and show her.. is the water level correct. I am how i am.
The best gift that a mother can give to her child is unconditional love. Most mothers by default, are the givers till the end of their lives. They give and give love. Sometimes when we are young and brash, we forget to thank them. Sometimes we forget to hold their hands and hear them out. Sometimes we get angry with them when they nag and nag. Most of the time, all they want is to keep you safe.
My mother is soft spoken and a gentle soul. She speaks softly, never a harsh word to the world. She never beats me.. even when i am at my worst. All she does is chase me around the dining table with a cane, but never actually laying the cane on me. She always saves me when my dad gets angry and beat us for being naughty. Most of the time, she shields us from the blows from the cane that my dad lay on us.
But my dad being dad, even after he beats us, he feels remorse and when we sleep, he comes and put medicine on our wounds. I can see that he is broken. No parent would love to use the cane. But me being what i am, stubborn as mule, sometimes do deserve the cane to drive the message thru. Sometimes when i pretend to be asleep, he'll come in and talk to me and explained why he beats us when we are naughty.
The only time i lied to my mom, was when i was working outstation and banged the car. I usually call her every week from a payphone. When she asks me, are you ok? I just cried and cried. I just said ok ok.. even though i am very scared from banging the car. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that. I never like to worry my mom. When i lied to her, my heart felt a stab of pain. That was the first time i felt pain from lying to my mom.
When dad called me to tell me mom is dead.. I just sat there with tears flowing. I was just asking my colleague.. when is Mother's Day. Then my dad called. And i have to be the bearer of bad news to my sisters. I came home after driving for the longest time. Its just 2 hours drive away but it seems to be the longest drive.
Mom was just there, lying on the bed. All dressed up. Like sleeping. Her feet were still warm. I wanted to talk to her, but she no longer responded. People coming in and out but it was just me and mom in my world. I still hold her feet. I rubbed her feet too. But she's no longer around to answer my silly questions. Thats when i felt the same stab of pain again. It is painful. Very painful.
My mom always tells me, don't stay in Ipoh. Go fly and find your dreams. You don't have to be in Ipoh to be with me. Go out into the world, and find yourself. Make good of yourself. Find your dreams.
Always supportive of our dreams. I think i got one of the best mom around. Her unconditional love even till today would be the best gift i'll ever have. I think i am the lucky one.
I don't get to hold her hands and tell her stories anymore. I still talk to mom in my heart sometimes. If you have a mom who's still around with you... hold her hands, give her a footrub sometimes, take her out, go dancing with her and never be angry with her. Cos only a mom will know about love.
This is my story to share with all. Have a Merry Christmas people.
9 woofs:
Hi Anny,
Yeah, you have a real touching story Anny. I hope you could win!
I can see that you have a great loving mother.Don’t be sad, cheer up! I can totally understand your situation. My late dad & mum too were very supportive to me. Both of them passed away due to cancer. One after another just by three years apart.
My mother was so afraid of me being single forever because I have a very severe skin problem and for this reason I am still single. To her, get married and have a family is only complete…..too bad:( She also worried that my skin problem gets worst, so I can’t live comfortably well & happy…..
Never mind, being single is not a problem….I am now battling with my health issue and got no time to be sad over the past that I used to, I think I got depression for one whole year since my late mum passed away. By God grace, I had recovered from it.
When my father passed away first, I didn’t feel so sad. But when my mum is no longer around, I truly felt that I was no body. I needed her unconditional love and cheers that no one can give me. There after, these few years I have learnt to be so much a stronger person…. I have two supportive God send siblings that never fails me before!
Look up Anny, life is about experiencing the high and the low tide! Be strong and you will see another greater tide and also the beauty of the world!
I believe your mum is very proud of you and happy to see you to continue your every mission of life, yeah the purpose driven life on earth with contentment & great pride!!!
Good nite:)
Sister Yoon See
Thank you for participating :)
hi Yoonsee,
tks for dropping by :) Not so much about the winning sometimes.. its about the sharing and after u tell a story, it helps u to move along.
I m so sorry to hear about ur mom n dad. Hey.. i think they are both happy to be together now... and probably preparing for Christmas too up there.
Don't worry.. you won't be single forever. There's always someone for someone. You will find him.
Don't fall into depression. That's the worst and will bring you and all your loved ones down. Its good to be able to open up and share. And blogging is another avenue for that.
You are a very talented young lady. One day.. you will find an equally talented other half. Just keep your eyes and your heart open!
Maybe it could be one of the blogging frens too. hehe..
thanks for sharing your story with me. We still have siblings and our extended family. That will keep us going on.
Take care ya! Catch up with u again next time. :)
thank u too Ken... for coming up with a wonderful gift!
Thanks Anny.
Same to you.
Take care!
hey anny,
yumi ere, friend of ken.
that is a wonderful touching story.
I almost cry.
parent's love, is the best gift of all.
all i can say...be strong..
I must really learn from your story. I think its kinda an awakening story for those who's not in good terms with family.
take care there.
Thanks for sharing your story Anny. Letting go of someone esp. a mother is tough. My mom passed away in 2005 due to cancer, we only had about a year with her when we found out about her illness. Even though we were prepared but one can never ever be totally prepared when the day came. But I know she's in a better place :)
Thanks Yumi :) for dropping by and showing care too! Life will go on.
Sorry to hear about your mom Nessa. I think Ken did a wonderful thing.. about the story. Each and every one of us are opening up. At least i am left with the thot that my mom did not suffer and it was sudden. Thanks for your kind words.
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