Tommy belongs to Stormy. Both Stormy and i went to the SPCA to look for a cat. And we found big ole Tommy. He was beautiful. Stormy fell in love with him immediately... and we took him home the next minute. And that was two years ago.
Tommy is gone now. He went missing when he went for walk... and never came home. Maybe he lost his way while going down the stairs. Stormy spent days looking for him but never found him. I think maybe he went to another home and decided to stay and forgot how to get home. But Stormy says that Tommy has walked back to SPCA. He says its a conspiracy. hahahaha
Maybe someday, we'll find Tommy at Stormy's doorstep again. Meantime.. here's what happen to Tommy after some catnip.

2 woofs:
He have the cutest sleeping post, Lol. Geramnya!! Want to tickle it's belly now..lol :D
Ahhhhhhh.. Cindy! Ya.. this Tommy sleeps very funnily.. almost human.. too bad he is missing now. Hope ur doing well with ur crafts and all ready for the sale! Good luck girl!
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