Started our day quite early at 6.45am. Dad, Boy and I made a pit stop at the market to buy 5 bunches of flowers. We did have a lot of people to visit. The market aunties and uncles were surprised to see my face at that hour because i will usually only show my lazy self at 8.30 or 9 am... still in my pajama face. Then we scoot off to a coffee shop to meet my uncles and aunts. The numbers were few this year. There was papa and his 4 brothers, 2 aunties, Gary, Boy and I. I was the third youngest there.. hahhahahahaa.. can you imagine. I am with some grey and i am still the third youngest in our troop to Lenggong.
I even overshot my destination while i was going my merry way. Happily i went on the new road... and missed the turnoff and was on my way to Grik until Boy said... its there laaa.. turn back turn back.. *LOL* He sometimes wonder what a total idiot he has for an auntie.
Our yearly trips used to be a whole lot of people. Even when grandma was around... we got to go in at least 5 or 6 cars to accomodate everyone. It was like a huge party... and the whole clan would be running all over town and paint the Lenggong town red. It was fun then. The roads used to be very winding... at one point almost reaching Lenggong.. it was a left and a right and a left and another right... it was a wooooooozy drive. My sisters and i used to puke when we were small. We'll eat a big bun and milo and on the way... the winding road.. and my papa's famous rocket driving... we would be hanging plastic bags on our ears. Some years we were lucky and got smarter and not eat in the morning. But my 2nd sister almost always puke on all our road trips.. hahhahahahahhahaa.. (she'll kill me for this)
Now this year... is a lonely year. I remember last year... we had quite a big crowd. And we took lots of pictures. This year, after praying and doing the necessary, all the old folks just wanted to go home. We didn't stopped at Sauk for a good hearty meal like last year. We just went on straight back home to Ipoh.
The we stopped at Perak Tong Temple to visit Grandma. After some prayers... we went to another temple to visit Stephanie. And lastly, we went to St Michael's Church to visit mom. Quite a few stopovers in a day. And all are in different parts of Ipoh. But hey... how big is Ipoh rite? We were glad we manage to visit all our loved ones. Then lunch... and off home.
Dommy and Piper were so glad to see us. They were wondering where we went for so long. Dommy even jumped 2 feet high again.. hahhahahaa... Such joyful welcome home. I just had a quick shower and fell on the bed dead as a log.
Hopefully next year, our list of heroes will be longer. Papa and his brothers are really getting old. After so many years, they still make the yearly visit to their father. We need more younger heroes to take over the job of driving, clearing the place and stuffs :) And its actually quite a fun place to catch up with my cousins and rest of the family. Its either Lenggong or Chinese New Year. During the rest of the year, everyone is too caught up in their own lives.
I promised some photos from this trip. Just loaded it up and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ... am really tired after all the fever i caught from Bain. His fever is almost contagious... cos you keep on trying and trying the HDR and you just don't want to sleep.. hahhahahahahaaa... soon I will have panda eyes again.
I'll post the pictures from this trip another day on BooMooHoo :) now its off to lala land because i have to wake Boy up tomorrow to go to school. Papa is off on holiday with his friends again. And this time to Penang. He is very happy to go on holidays. He said... go anywhere also never mind... as long as i have some place to go and see things. Which reminds me... i got to get him a small light camera. Dang! I miss the DCIM fair.
Goodnite folks! Till we meet again soon! Maybe just one picture :)