When i open my eyes...i roll over and switch on the computer. Then i went to visit some virtual friends.. and then... i got nailed. *LOL* but...
thanks for the tag dear Diya! I better do this before.. before i forget again. Tags and i... they always seem to get lost in my clutter.
-------------------------- :p
Where is your cellphone - on the bed somewhere.. silent as a lamb
Your hair - short like a strawberry
Your father - in Kuala Lumpur
Your favorite thing - walks in the rain
Your dream last night - was to be on a plane off somewhere
Your favorite drink - ribena
Your dream goal - to be old n grey in ko lanta
The room you are in - bedroom + workstation
Your fear - losing my loved ones
Where do you want to be in 6 years - ko lanta again.. haha
Muffins - banana
One of your wish list items - goldie
Where you grew up - Ipoh
The last thing you did - take doggies out to do a poo and a pee
What are you wearing - tee & tracks
Your TV - what's a tv? hahaha.. i think sony.. lemme go out n check
Your pet - beside my legs like surround sound
Your computer - dellihoho
Your life - a little bit of serenity... sometimes hyperly bz... but now in a bit of a lull till tmrw
Your mood - happy happy
Missing someone - a faraway storm and an unreachable mom
Your car - blue clunky
Favorite store - bookstores
Your summer - is in a beautiful storm
Your favorite colors - teal
When was the last time you laughed - hmm... ystr.. while reading Aki's comments
When was the last time you cried - before the storm subsides
Last person who emailed you - work
Your favorite food - currently its chocolate mini poppers
A place you would rather be right now - in the arms of a big storm.. hehe
lemme see... i'll tag... YoonSee, Spiffy... Aki, Ken, Bain... and anyone who would like to do this ;)
note to Spiff: this is much much easier than the other one we stole from Nessa.. ;)
11 woofs:
Dellihoho?? Is dat a new brand of Dell pc's? :D
Love them bookstores!
hahahhaha.. its Dell :) with its fanciness from me... good morning Nessa!
Aiyoo, kena tag lagi! LOL! But yeah, this is so much easier than Nessa punya tag yang I curi ... LOL!
hahahhaha.. stole tags are harder to do... hahahhahahaha good morning Spiffy!
I dah reply your tag! Hehe... Thanks Anny!
yo ko Aki? nanti Anny singgah ye.. and mengomen...
anny, thanks for done it!
errr...anny, ko lanta tu ape? hehe
Ko Lanta is one of the islands in Krabi.. very peaceful ;)
Ko Lanta has longgggggggg white beaches and superb for diving... tapi i blom ambik my PADI yet.. hehe
Thanks for the tag Anny. I am kind of lazy, actually got so many tags still haven't post yet.....
Its just a linky love.. hahahaa.. dun worry abt doing it.. i have missed a lot of other tags too myself :)
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