Every year... at almost this time of the year, we go back home to Grandpa's hometown and visit him too. Its All Soul's Day for the Malaysian chinese folks.
Grandpa's hometown is in Lenggong, Perak. Its a wonderful small little town with two rows of shophouses... and a big bus station (where grandpa used to be station master). Its always a nostalgic trip for my papa and his brothers. They always drag us to their old house which is not ours anymore... and drag us all over town. All the town people still remember them.. and its wonderful to see papa and his brothers grinning here and there like small kids.
The old cendol man even remembers grandpa... (i think he's gone now). Grandma uprooted the family after grandpa passed away and they moved to Ipoh. We were all born in Ipoh... and our roots all continue from here.
But i love Lenggong. Its laid back... people are nice... and the fish is nice (more on the fish next time) and the water is like ice. Try taking a bath here. You'll be shivering in your skin. The waterfalls are just too wonderful and like ice too.
Every year since we were little, we make this trip back to Lenggong for All Soul's Day. I am looking forward to tomorrow's trip even though my siblings will not be with me. At least it will still be photography trip for me. More on Lenggong tomorrow.
I better get a rest or i'll be too woozy to drive and hold the camera tomorrow. Then it will be more blurry pictures... which photoshop sometimes cannot fix.. hehehehhee
My papa might just wake up suddenly now and nag me for keeping a late night cos tomorrow i need to drive... eeeeeeeeiiiiii... scared.
I am too old to be afraid of being nagged... hahhahaa..
Goodnite folks. I'll end this post with the road leading to Grandpa. :) More pictures tomorrow.
Opps! papa just woke up.. i better go hide for a while under my table... *shush*

14 woofs:
Nice post Anny! Aki boleh bayangkan nostalgia you tuh cam iklan Yasmin Ahmad! Ehehe...
I never been to Lenggong eventhough Aki also orang Perak! Kat belah mana Lenggong ni actually?
Have a safe journey Anny.. Drive carefully will ya?
Jgn lupa ambik gambar banyak2 yaa.. tak sabar Aki nak tgk keindahan Lenggong....
Going back to Lenggong is always a nostalgic trip.. you see see my dad and his brothers... they run here and there all over the town like little kids again :)
Lenggong is on the way to Grik... from the hway to Penang.. masuk kat Kuala Kangsar.. and go terusssssssssss saje... very nice place.
thanks Aki.. i am a safe driver.. i drive slowwwwwwww je.. hahahhahahaaa.. my ole blue clunky cannot go too fast anyways :)
Nanti baru postkan gambor :)
great photo Anny! luv the jln tanah merah tu ;)
tq Bain krana singgah sini jugo ;)
gambar² u cantik²laa anny :) Bain dah tengok kat your boomoohoo a.k.a. My Third Eye ! u got great photos! :)
Lucky you still have a grandpa. Both my dad and mom's side have left... (bless their souls). I didn't even get to meet my mom's dad cos he died when I was still a kid.
It's sad cos I didn't have any memories of him whatsoever :(
I love the road leading to your grandpa's house... the hills add character to the place as well as the gravel road! Macam professionally taken photo je... ada awan, bukit, pokok, jalan tak berturap :D
I blum pernah gi Perak lagi. One day nak try jalan2. Hopefuli tak
sesat la... hehe
My grandpa is long gone too... we go every year to Lenggong for All Soul's Day.
The picture is the road leading to his "new home"
I never knew this grandpa too.. he passed away after my mom and dad got married. But his stories live in the people who knew him because he was a very kind man. A lot of people in Lenggong still knows his children as anak Ah Tok. Papa also told us many stories about him, so we kinda knew him that way :)
Hey.. if you are coming to Ipoh for a visit... anytime welcome.. i will be your guide :)
aiks! Bain bila tukar avatar jadi mat hansem jugo? hehe
We are all a work in motion.. sama sama bersharing and berusaha ye. Thanks a lot for the compliments.
Wah.. yelah... avatar Bain da bertukar!! Macam nak gi kawin je, smat giler... hehehe
Aisemen... sori I terlepas the part where you wrote your grandpa passed away. Nak kene bukak mata besar2 ni :)
hehehhee.. ye Nessa.. Bain smart giler rite? hansem sangat.. and Bain is really gonna get married soon... that's why he is smiling happy in all his pictures
No need for sorry Nessa.. sometimes kita pon terlepas terbaca.. :)
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