My friend started a new job last week in a foreign land. The office is in a new faraway place with not many food outlets around. The nearest being quite far away. The only available shop at the office block is just Delifrance downstairs.
After Day 6... i think Stormy has finally flipped. How many croissants or baguettes can you eat in a week? Many actually.. hahaha
In Malaysia, we have a very wide variety of food everywhere. Malaysia is a foodie heaven. For a Malaysian to be in a foreign land eating bread every single meal... it is quite hard to stomach. But, having food is a blessing and we should be thankful for having food to eat.
I remember a friend who moved to a foreign land. She missed chili and curry so much, she told me she craved for anything chili. She would even rub chili on her tongue if she can find some kinda chili. *LOL*
With globalisation, we can find Malaysian food in most major cities in the world. But somehow, something somewhere is lacking. Either it cost a bomb or somehow the taste is different.
Poor Stormy. After one week, i think Stormy might haveta start packing lunch from home.
Hang in there will ya! Think of of of... errr.. nasi lemak... err... nasi padang... yummy crabs... err... satay.. hehhehehehhee
:D i am cruel
16 woofs:
hahahahaha thats a great post...u left out the small packets of chili sauce i had hidden in me pockets! now i am cooking at home but my housemates eat the food before i had the time to pack them off to the office! no worries...i will get some instant noodles and "cook" in the office..hope my camel is securely tied outside..
Love ya
Hang in there ya! When u baliks, i treat you alllllllllllllll the satays and crabs you can eat :) and nasi dagang.. nasi lemak.. nasi nasi... :D
Arghhhhhhhh!! dont remind me laaaaa...err...i hope they have croissants with beef satay in them..hmmm...business idea. hehehe
Hmmm... you could suggest to Delifrance.. hehe :) And leave your ride alone. Don't go around feeding camels maggi.. :p
Ohh.. poor stormy...
btw I love nasik dagang! Nasi padang! Nasi lemak! All the nasiklah yang u mention Anny.. Haha..
Aki memang kuat makan, if I were Stormy, Aki mesti boleh kurus bila di luar negara!
But the most important thing is, eat healthy and exercise regularly... hehe...
Err... Stormy is a wonderful cook! And he makes very nice sup tulang, sup ketam, daging masak merah, udang cantik cantik.. hahhahahaa.. loads... and the best ketam in the whole wide world!
Sapa yg sudi kahwin dengan si dia.. untung laa.. hehehe
I shud probably offer Stormy to come back and be my personal cook instead...hmm...
Do you know where's the best nasi dagang in Kuala Lumpur?
Kampung baru.. there is one Kelantanese restaurant which I forgot what the name is.. but I'll check it out for you soon...
Stormy pandai masak? No wonder all the food habis b4 dia sempat tapau.. haha... can't blame them! hehe....
Bingo! that's the one. Even though the longkang smells... but the nasi dagang sedap sangat... i usually end up smelling my fingers all the way home.. hahahhahaa..
Sedap kan!
Stormy is the best cook around.. kalu la dia tak malas.. hehe..
Bau longkang lah yang menambah selera! Haha.. oh no! No bau longkang please.. haha..
Stormy ni a guy or a girl? Nama cam ganas... kalau guy tapi pandai masak.. Aki tabik lah! Coz Kengkaru aka Kong was my housemate.. dia pun pandai masak.. sampai Aki kuat makan lalu naik 10 kgs!
Bau longkang tu yg tak bole tahan sangat.. esp lepas the rain.. hhahahaa.. and the big big rats... that run under the table too.. hahhahahahahaaa... i always put up my legs.. *lol*
Stormy tu nama ganas je... lemah lembut sungguh perangainya.. hati baik.. mata sepet.. orang baik.. baiknya sangat si dia.. hehe (tu laa.. mesti puji dia dulu.. kalu nak dia masak sedop sedop ;)
Kong pon pandai masak ye? Bertuah laaa si kawan kawan Kengkaru tu :D muka dia pun nampak baik jugo.
damn, the food looks good, I'm salivating all over my keyboard now ... LOL!
hhehehehehee.. ya... me too Spiffy.. but if i have to eat this for breakfast n lunch every single day.. i would flip too.. hahhahahaa.. Stormy's already flipped!
I haven't been to Delifrance in ages! In fact, I haven't been eating out lately... masak kat rumah je these days, save cost.
Happy Friday Anny... hugs to PP and Dom :D
Err.. me too.. hahhahaa.. but but i can make a better sandwich than Delifrance *lol* Cooking at home is great Nessa... and save cost too!
But sometimes, go out and have a break too.. and eat out.. it doesn't have to be fancy... even McDs make a good outing.
Have a great weekend too my friend :)
I also home cook most of the time.
But they look so delicious here:)
They sure are delicious to me now... cos its late at nite and i am hungryyyyyyyy.. hehhehee
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