Sorry Ken... I am just the biggest procastinator :)
And thank you tagging me!
Here are the said rules & regulations.. :p
Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. You must choose the first picture from the first page of the results and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
[1] the age of my next birth day
[2] place I'd like to travel to

[3] favorite food

[4] favorite place

[5] nicknames I've had

[6] favorite colour

[7] college major

18 woofs:
So Aki is just a cute glossy black button (or a box with round corner/edge?) LOL!
Hahaha... my TV pic, ngam betul la! You're the 2nd person to tag me with this picture tag.... *Lariiiii*
Aki is is is the kotakitam le.. hehheheheee..
ya ya.. Nessa the Reality TV queen :D err.. i tau u suda buat.. but its just a linky love for u ;)
oh... ok..LOL! Those round corners represents how curvicious I am? Hahaha.....
err.. u curvacious ka? or vicious? hahahaha.. saya memang tak kenal sangat Aki lagi... tapi all i know is that he/she must be funny :) tengok gambor avatar u yg bergelak panjang tu represents u as a funny person :)
Hehe... well, wait for special post on this coming 26th! I will reveal mahself to the world! LOL!
Urm... btw, I'm a He.. with capital 'H'! haha..
reveal urself? err... dun go running around town in your birthday suit ok? *LOL* even though it is your beeday
He ka? betui ka? jangan tipooo... Heman ka? hahahaha lelaki atau pompuan ponnnn bole jadi kawan :D
Pon? Haha... mintak jauh! Ada2 je u ni Anny!
Nite! I nak masuk tido! Ingat nak buat post baru.. tapi nampaknya... ngantuk lah!
LOL! You got Nessa's reality TV picture spot on :D Thanks for the tag. I've done this already but who knows I may just be crazy enough to do this again ... LOL!
buat post baru ye Aki.. kita tunggu :) pon tu apo? bunyi hon ka? *pon pon*
hi Spiff... Dunnnnnnnn do it again... its mighty tedious.. hhahahaa.. remember the last time we got into trouble for stealing Nessa's tag.. :D.. its just a linky for u ;)
Actually I blum buat dis tag lagi... hehehe
waah...Bain & Co. ;)
hahhahaa.. tis is a berry tedious tag.... good luck Nessa!
yele.. me did find Bain & Co... mebbe one day... u open Bain & Co... experts in HDR... some say Malaysia and Batam too ;)
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