Mr Posty came yesterday with a brown envelope... with a a a... Emila Yusof sticker! Yehooooooo... I am a lucky one. Don't be jealous of my nice nice red notepad ;D If you really like to own one too... you could...
1) Be Emila Yusof's friend.. hehehe.. i am i am..
2) Custom order it from her.. it comes in many different shades of colors... and patterns
3) Visit her stores and check out her handmade stuffs @ Etsy, Zazzle and Emi's greeting cards store
A big thank you to Emi for the lovely Handmade Notepad. It is beautiful. The red cloth with tiny roses wrapping the notepad which she handstitched herself. It is simply beeeeeeeeeyootiful :)
I will guard it with my life and fill it with all my doodles. No more drawing on walls for me now.
Thank you loads Emi!
p/s: opps! i forgot to mention that... this gift is a token from Emi for joining her Wedding Anniversary contest :)
10 woofs:
You are so lucky Anny:)
Pls. update us with your doodles OK!!!!
yep yep yep.. its beeeyootiful! hope ur doing well YoonSee... take care n thanks for dropping by!
i try n doodle some monsters :D
Wah, congrats :D Let me go over to Emila's and zap her for not sending me one too ... LOL!
yay! it arrived! this time around just using normal postage sebab tu lambat sikit hehe
hi yoon see!
its better normal post.. hahahaha.. nanti kena send back kalu saya takde di rumah polak.. thanks a lot Emi! i really love the notebook :D
go zap her Spiff... hehehhehe.. go zap her till she gives u one too! hehhehehehhee
Where are your monster Anny.
Cute or fierce ones!
So hope they wouldn't scare off your dog....
i did i did doodle on Emi's notebook.. hahhahahaha.. quite a lot too.. i love this red book!
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