Bain, Ken, Emila, Balqis and I were chatting way late yesterday night about these cool effects Emila was testing on her side. Check out her cool pictures here.
I am testing a lot of pictures which i posted on my boomoohoo :) You can go take a peek there too. I think some pictures are disasters to speak.. haha.. but i am a work in motion. Bear with my flaws.
Don't forget Earth Hour is tonite! Let's all lend our hands and vote Earth. Let's do the tiktak :)
18 woofs:
Tonite what time? so its gonna be day my time right?
Yeayyyyy! i do have a proposal to send and haven't done it yet. ;p
Stormy (the clueless one)
adohai clueless one... u can... u can switch off everything now and declare today as Earth Hour Day.. hahhahahahahahaa
Cool Anny!!!!
thanks Emi :) we kasi experiment lagi ye.. lagi berusaha kerana belum sampai tahap Bain.. his HDR is superb!
cool pix u got there. I'll be releasing my as usual 12am tonight :D and by the way check out the contest I'm having right now :D
seriously I didn't know you have another blog just photos only...cool...I wish I have a better camera to take nice photos like you guys do :)
Cantiklah! Very2 nice!
I am waiting for 12 Ken :) u do come up with very good posts.. mebbe u shud post more in a day... :)
I just started the other blog not so long ago Ken.. :) just a testing ground.. and sharing place.. and it loads faster with less widgets.
You dun really need a great camera to experiment.. it does not even have to be an SLR too.. picture taking on any camera.. is an experience everyone loves. An SLR wud be a great investment if its a hobby you want to pursue :)
cantik ko? hhahahaa.. tks for comment Aki
Yup... cantik! I like! Hehe...
waaah....yur IR tersangatlah terbaik! cantik laa anny! Bain belum dapat lagi IR mcm ni. x tau silap kt mana. :( u keep experimentin' ya! :)
my HDR belum superb lagi anny. byk lagi Bain kena improve. kita belajar sama² ya :)
kita sama sama berusaha ye Bain :)
sometimes i just got lucky.. sometimes hancur jugo the gambar.. hahahaha.. we just keep trying
Wah, reverse pulak the color ya. Daun warna merah, bunge warna ijau... cool! :D
the few of us are testing with IR Nessa... all bcos of Aki.
You can check out Emi, Ken, Bain too :) We are all Aki's soldiers for IR :D
Good ones Anny!
I can't do the colour Infra Effect now because I am using the corel paint software instead of photoshop....will decide later. Have fun!
thanks Yoon See.. will still be testing n testing... till my eyes close... to sleep
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