Happy 13th Birthday to you Aki.
May you have rainbows all through your life.
May you always have hands to pull you up when you are down.
May you always find the world extra curious, fun and enchanting.
May all your wishes come true.
Earth Hour is not just about an hour of switching off the lights and be in darkness for an hour. It is not a huge party where people gather to have fun in candle light environments. Earth Hour is to teach us to conserve energy and waste less. It also has a symbolic meaning that by working together, we can all make a difference in this world. Don't just have Earth Hour and forget about it after the hour have passed. Conserve energy ye!
37 woofs:
so cute la your cartoon!!!! although it's totally dark pitch!!! Brilliant anny!
Aki will sure love it!!
er... i mean pitch dark!!!
Thanks Anny! Hehe... Thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you...Thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you..thank u thank you.. thank you.. thank you...Thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you..thank u thank you.. thank you.. thank u for the birthday wish! See I can't thanked you enuff! So terharu.....
By the way.. I'm 31 years old...not 13! LOL!
Hahahahha! The dialogs are hillarious and cute! How are you Anny? Been a long long long long time since I last drop by..a thousand apologies to you...and thank you so much for keeping track on my blog..what a wonderful friend you are..maybe we should meet up one day ;) Stay Lovely and thanks fpr all the wonderful comments you leaved at my blog..you are one awesome girl!! ;) Supportive always..
Dark pitch yes! haha.. and pitch dark too cos its gonna be Earth Hour.. (and i m a lazy bug)
tks for dropping by Emi!
Wahhhh.. berbanyaknya TQ ni... hhahahahhaaa.. ur most welcome si Aki..
and i should thank u for always leaving me comments. Makes blogging more satisfying :D
no no.. last time i checked... u were 13.. and nothing more.. hahhahahahaa.. even all ur friends say so! :D
No apologies Cindy.. you are very bz.. and i m glad ur here.. i should post more songs of my papa to make u come back more ;)
You are gonna be great one day... and i don't have to tell u to work hard cos you are already working very hard. I have respect for artists like you!
I want to meet all of u too one day.. when time permits.. my time in KL is very limited now.. someday ya! Take care girly
Aki is 13?? Wah, so young!
Happy birthday Aki... aki tu maksudnya Tok in my language... hehe
Ya 13! hahhahaha.. and Aki is a very nice boy :)
Anny wrote:
"Aki..and i should thank u for always leaving me comments. Makes blogging more satisfying :D"
Hehe...well, I love it here... nak nak your dogs sangatlah cute especially yg banyak bulu cam karpet tu... hehe....
Btw, this year I'm 13... but next year I'll be 23! See.. I grow so fast! LOL!
wahhhhhhhh.. *LOL* yaya.. next year you will be 23! definitely! Hmmm.. i sure dun want to know what vitamins u take.. hahahhaha.. for u to grow 10 years in a year.. hehehhehehe
Terima kasih dropping by Denaihati. Aku pun tengah rancang-rancang nak post artikel Earth Hour ni..kalau kita tak take action sipa lagi kan??
Halo Denaihati.. dah lama kita di twitter.. tq for dropping by :)
Earth Hour is tmrw..cepat buat post ye :)
Jangan lupa tutup lampu mlm esok semua.... mari kita bergolap golita.. hehe..
tiktak tiktak.. karang jugo saya akan tutup :D
I was shock to know that aki was onli 13 and he knows so much...I almost wanted to kill myself LOL
drop by to say hi...and
happy birthday AKI!!!!
Sorry Ken! that as a fast one we pulled on him.. hahahhahaa.. he surely cannot be 13... its the other way around.. :D
and... don't kill yourself man.. hhahahhahaa.. you know a lot too... :)
at the age of 13 he knows more then me then i think i better kill myself LOL
Alamak! He's not 13.. but he's... u ask him laa how old.. hahhahahahha
no need ask la...he's knowledgeable good oledi so we can learn from him too...LOL
age is just a number ;)
Ya.. Aki is very smart and very nice boy :D
LOL so can i temp him wif sweets and bubble gums...LOL
Thanks Ken! HOHO...
Yes, I'm 13 years old but only in my mind! LOL! Terbalik kan that nombor.. then u get the actual number! hehe...
Thanks guys for the wishes! hehe...
Very smart and very nice boy? Alamak! Aki boleh kembang then pengsan cam ni... LOL!
Aki jangan kembang sangat.. nanti jadi belon dan terus terbang.. hehhehehhe
Happy Birthday Aki! 13 or 31 doesn't matter...ur as young or old as u wanna be...hehehehe...i shud know..
what time do i switch off the lights Anny? I'm in the office now, its 8.54am...ppl are starting to work...i cud switch off the power now...I do have a meeting i don't wanna be in. ;p
Stormy, (older but none the wiser)
8.30PM your time doh.. hahaha.. u don't go n switch off the main switch in office now le.. u could draw 2 opened eyes.. stick on your eyes.. and sleep in the meeting le.. it works!
btw.. Aki is interested to know if ur a girl or boy... since ur a wonderful cook Stormy ;)
Thanks for the wish Stormy aka Anonymous! hehe..
Yeah tertanya gak Aki. Tapi skrang ramai juga lelaki pandai masak! Tapi aku pandai makan sahaja! hehe...
aku pon pandai makon jugooooooo...
guys! he is 13th!!!! ^_^ eppy birthday every year Aki!
hahahahhahaa.. really bergumbira laaaaa si Aki ni... selalu 13 je.. hehehe
What a great dedication Anny, you made Aki so happy!
I hope he is still very happy that he is 13 :D
I think Aki is always happy.. look at his avatar... such a jovial one!
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